Golf Tips

Need tips on irons

Hey everyone, first time posting and hoping to get some help with my irons. I really struggle with consistent shots. When I strike them well, they almost always hook, with really bad shots always chunking them. This is one of my better swings with an 8, so hoping to get some feedback, thanks!

by 55ggarz

1 Comment

  1. sonJokes

    Hard to give much advice from this angle. You want the camera at waist height.
    From this angle though, you could look at your initial setup. Most coaches will advise you to start by placing the club behind the ball, then stance, then grip. From this video it looks like you grip the club then set it behind the ball. That can lead to the club face not being lined up with target to begin with.
    Chunking – this usually weight transfer issue, not transfer weight to lead side on the downswing.
    Hooking – your path looks OK so it could be a grip issue, but can’t tell from this angle. Could also be too much flipping of the hands on the downswing also. Grip issue easiest place to start, as that’s part of your initial setup too that I mentioned at the top. One other easy thing to test, grip pressure. When you grip the club harder, the face rotates closed (generally). So just practice with a softer grip through the swing.

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