Gifts for my groomsmen

I thought this was pretty cool so I wanted to share with fellow golfers. I’m getting married next May and wanted to get something special for the boys in my wedding, so went ahead and got some brand new SM10s for the guys.

Personally, I’ve always wanted to get into custom stamping, and figured that this would be a great place to start; so I also hand stamped the wedges myself. After a few broken fingers from swinging the hammer, this is how they turned out! Here’s a few of my favorites. Would love some feedback from anyone who has custom stamped in the past.

by sayyouwont


  1. BussyOnline

    Your friend Brandon Broomsfeld Brian Bridges Burton Burns Barnham Buchanan Black Burrows Blake jr. is gonna love them.

  2. spankysladder73

    Who’s losing theirs first ?
    AB, BB, or MP?

    My bet is on MP

  3. nearlyclosetoalmost

    May their bunker shots glimmer in the afternoon sun, soaring through the air for eternity … just like your love.

  4. JonnyRingo808

    I don’t know you, but I feel like we can be best friends. I will gladly be one of your groomsmen!

  5. GamerDude133

    That’s pretty cool. The first one is my fav

  6. Im_Perkisizing_Tony

    God damn. I don’t know these guys but I can tell you that they don’t deserve you as a friend.

  7. DieHardViking

    I sure hope they don’t leave it on the fringe like me…

  8. Odd-Collection-3563

    My brother got me one for being his best man. My favorite club.

  9. nwillyerd

    Do you need another groomsmen? I feel like you do! I volunteer as tribute! 😂

  10. Aromatic_Ad_7484

    Just got one last year and sm9 and it was awesome

  11. AGoodTalkSpoiled

    Did you pick a bounce and grind based on their ability level? Prob some low blows in there lol 

  12. skribbl3z

    This would be a dope gift. I am currently getting gifts for my groomsmen right now for my wedding in November. Unfortunately not all of the boys play golf lol

  13. Mc9660385

    Sweet. They will love them . I have a 60 with 11B and it’s a magic club

  14. CardassianUnion

    Whenever I am stamping something at work, I’ll hold the stamp with vise grips. Keeps your fingers and hands away from the “action”.

  15. Brilliant-Ad-5414

    What’d these run you? Planning on doing something similar

  16. Daratirek

    I’m also getting married next May! Congratulations!! Only one of my Groomsmen is really into golf so no golf related presents for them.

  17. patsfan1061

    I’m hoping Billy Baroo is in your wedding party and the other B’s are for ‘Billy, Billy,Billy,Billy’….

  18. Foreputtsake

    If there’s a groomsman waitlist I call dibs on first sub! Nice gift bro…any birdie or par save will be because of you!

  19. sayyouwont

    lol wow lotta comments! couple of general responses:

    1. Thank you all for the well wishes!

    2. I gave everyone one wedge, not a full set (wish I could’ve) – and, unfortunately, I am not accepting groomsmen applications :/

    3. The B stamps were intentionally misplaced/over one another, I didn’t fuck up the stamps lol. the guy is from AZ and has a dilapidated vibe to him (game is pretty similar lol). he’s always rocking a west-coast tattered look on the course (leather strap snap-back, untucked polo, Nike AF1 golf shoes) so figured the trippy B’s would go well with him. the other two are clean stamps for that reason. art is in the eye of the beholder I guess!

    4. to whoever said that I’m pigeon-holing guys into a wedding, I hope you play a career round next time you’re out and quad 18 to miss your best ever score by one stroke 🙂

  20. dom_corleone

    All about spacing and two solid smacks!!

  21. fckyourcowch

    Laser looks better than stamps, just saying.

  22. YoungThriftShop

    I did this for my groomsmen. I made sure to ask them what they would want in a wedge. Took away the surprise but it is a club they love and will actually use to their golfing abilities

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