Golf Tips

Cannot shake the Early Extension

Cannot shake the Early Extension

by ohhwurd


  1. Here’s a slo mo link as well: [](

    Hey everybody,

    Lately my driver has become an absolute liability, I can only watch so many videos before I feel like some feedback is kind of needed.

    I know my tempo is fast as hell. What else would be causing that early extension/standing movement on the beginning of the downswing? Thank you!

  2. Sensitive-Disk-9389

    IMHO it starts with setting up with more hip tilt towards the ball at address. Stick your butt out a little as if you are going to do a mini squat. This allows the hips to rotate around the pelvis on the appropriate plane and allows you to fire the hips first in the downswing. Keep the rear leg flexed and push into the left hip to start your downswing. This should help.

  3. sonJokes

    Put a chair behind your butt so it’s just touching. Keep your butt touching that chair throughout the downswing. 
    That’ll help keep your hips back and balance point more over the centre of your feet. 
    Also, at setup, your shoulders are aligned left of where your feet are aligned. They should be parallel. Left aligned shoulders shoulders will promote an over the top swing path. Hold a club across your shoulders and try line them up with your feet. If you can, get a big mirror behind you to verify. 

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