These Setup Tweaks Make You Dangerously Good!!!

A grip change adds 20 yards to your drives?! A posture tweak creates the best ball striking you’ve ever felt. Small simple changes to your setup lead to huge golf swing improvements.




Traditional golf swing techniques have left golfers frustrated and stuck. With millions of conflicting golf tips and “experts” all teaching something different, there’s so much confusion on what needs to be done to play great golf. This problem makes golf extremely difficult and unenjoyable.

At SagutoGolf, we believe golf is life – and life should be enjoyed.

To play your best golf ever, you need a roadmap that gets you there. SagutoGolf helps you build a powerful swing that’s easy on your body and produces addicting contact with the golf ball shot-after-shot.

Because life is too short to play bad golf.

#golf #golftips #golfswing


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  1. Tom .. i have been shooting 84-88 all summer.. handicap went from 7-11… i ve been frustrated so i rewatched some of your vids. Kept my weight left and hands low.. shot 74 today.. best score i have shot there.. have to give you the credit..

  2. Tom- really helpful info. Question for you in regards to tilt- should you be tilting your head down with your driver or standing up more straight?

  3. There’s a lot of golfers that need to be careful when you weight forward that you are NOT putting your head past the ball. Your head needs to be behind the ball.

  4. Excellent Tom. It seems like every day I find mistakes that I have for more than 30 years making my round of golf ⛳️ miserable sometimes.

  5. Since discovering Tom's channel in the offseason, I have lowered my handicap almost 5 strokes this summer. I just broke 80 for the first time (77) and still have room for improvement within my abilities. His method of a simplistic swing, coupled with the confidence of the crispy bombs he teaches you to drop are unparalleled on Youtube. Thanks for taking the time to make your videos, I hope to be a -9 by the end of the season.

  6. Excellent advise Tom! I do have a neutral grip and a Y set up with my hands on the inside of the left thigh. Now, after watching this video, I will be sure to use a lower case y instead of an upper case Y. As a senior, I have narrowed my stance, but now I may have to widen it a bit! I also like the "spine/ball" relationship and weight forward. Well Done Tom!

  7. "have a firm grasp of the grip, contradicts everything youve heard"

    Contradicted yourself, ive watched numeeous videos of yours that says grip pressure should be light (4/10) as a firm grip makes you tense up, shortens your muscles and you cant swing as well

  8. Yeah, I have to agree with many other commenters here that Tom not only imparts a lot of valuable information but clearly explains WHY !! So, I have been working on these concepts and I have to say it's coming together. Even a few miss-hits are acceptable shots and still close to their target. With this video I have even more understanding of where my weight and body angles should be. It's working and I have to thank Tom for these valuable instructions. One more thing and this is a side-benefit of his swing…it's much easier on my body in every respect.

  9. Good video once again Tom. It can't be understated how important having the correct grip and set up is. Quick question, In your downswing, do you let the arms and club drop into the slot and then turn and fire your hips? Or do you just rotate with your shoulders and then fire the hips at the end? Its looks like you're doing the latter. It's something that im in two minds with in my golf swing atm. Thanks in advance. Keep up the good work.

  10. This is awesome. I am hitting lower irons well. Still working on 5 & 6. Driver is currently most inconsistent. I either hit it well or it pops up as the ball hits the very very top of the face.

  11. Tom i have followed you ever since i started playing golf last year (was a member of your online school when i could afford it at the start of the year) and have seen huge improvements in my swing but i really struggle with getting my weight through the ball. I set my weight forward and my swing is shallow but i end up swinging across the ball as I cant seem to get the hips through. I have tried pushing the hips through first like traditional S&T, I am trying what you have said recently of swinging with the shoulders first but i just end up swivelling and then everything becomes a fade at best or a horrible pull or slice at worst. Obviously i know you can't see what i am doing wrong but to your knowledge is there a common fault for this with my set up etc? Or a drill youd recommend? Thanks!

  12. I’m having trouble keeping my right shoulder up when I shift weight forward. It tends to drop, I can still hit the ball well but not consistent enough. How do I keep the weight forward without the right shoulder dropping. Thanks

  13. Tom: This is a mandatory video for beginners. Everything starts at the set up. You clarified a lot of your principles that I've studied over the last year. 1. Weight on front. I was leaning everything to left, including trunk. Thanks for pointing out, just the hips. 2. Forward trunk tilt to get a relationship with ball. Measured your trunk flexion at 35 degrees. 3. Pointing out important nuances of grip. This video is a keeper and good reference for anyone who plays golf. Well done. Thanks for keeping it simple.

  14. Hey Tom, what exactly does the left knee do when shifting weight during setup; does it get straighter, does it bend more, does it bend in or outwards? There are quite a few different possibilities for that knee when shifting your hip a smidge.

    Thanks a ton, and please continue with what you’ve been doing. You’re a godsend in a world of YouTube golf nonsense..

  15. Thank you Tom !
    I have a question for you. During the downswing what is your preference : Pull with all the left side of the body and the left arm or push with the right side and the right arm ? And what are the pros and cons ?
    Thanks a lot.

  16. I love your videos! One minor question I had is that I know in the iron swing you have some lateral movement with your hips, is that still the same with a driver or are you delaying the hip lateral movement.

  17. Tom, you are the best golf coach ever, also the funniest. You make golf so simple and fun. No more thinking a thousand things at once every swing. Thank you for your service good sir.

  18. Been fighting a strong grip my whole life it’s hard to get to neutral grip thanks for this video Tom. I’ll keep at it.

  19. Great video. When taking the grip, let’s say neutral, and then placing the hands slightly forward into ‘y’ the face will open slightly. So do you take the left hand grip with the hand already set forward to align the face?

  20. Some folks may think that the S/T swing is not a true swing. But i beg to differ, has helped me. When I have a bad shot, I know what I did wrong as opposed to not knowing what to do earlier in my game!!

  21. Tom, you're the greatest. No question. Still, and yet, the most important aspect of the golf swing -and this just might be me- is the spine angle in relation to the length of the club. Your relationship to the ball. This is No. 1. Absolutely paramount. Dipping up or down, left or right will destruct the contact point.

  22. He is the best teacher of golf .. my game has changed dramatically for the good .. since finding him and his channel .. love the way he teaches golf ..

  23. Pure rubbish! To say that golfers with strong grips who play on tour are scooping the ball is the most idiotic thing that this no Talent ever said!! Go back to teaching pickleball….

  24. I just love Tom's lesson's, he explains the grip, position, and swing, sooo awesome, I just wish I could meet him in person so he could see my swing, I'm going to Qualify for the USGA Senior AM

  25. when i bump my hips fwd i think im closing them to the target allowing room for me to bring the club from the inside . if i dont do that i swing over the top !

  26. Fun , informative and on point as usual – very grateful – shot an eagle yesterday with a 215yd 6 iron 😊
    Never could have happened in the old days. Thanks Tom

  27. No nonsense. No squeezing a ball between your rubber bands hanging off your arms. No standing on your head and holding your tongue the right way just understandable instruction. No bullshit just kickass instructions from a dude that could be one of your buddies. This guy is the best. Keep kicking ass big Sag!

  28. So Tom do you got like a simple check point routine I E. so grip firm tilt set the hands forward bump da hips then turn?

  29. Hi Tom. Are you actively turning your hips in the downswing or is it a result of the shoulder turn? Thanks 🙏 for your videos!

  30. I tried that today my my golf course, changed my grip to a neutral from a strong grip, as mentioned by you, then the hands slightly in front of the ball and the hip moved forward, shoe pointing slightly outwards and surprise surprise, 5:45 had great shots! Thank you, 👍👏💥🏌️‍♂️

  31. Excellent. You can see in the this 1940 Hogan swing vid: – if you slow it down- that Hogan is really wringing the towel at address. And, this causes him to swing off the ball and come over the top. Clearly, he had to change to a more neutral grip. It probably worked when he was a kid and he just outgrew it.

  32. This set up appears to be very reminiscent of Tommy Fleetwoods action : not a lot of leg flex, bends from the hips, covers the ball, grips it short with an abbreviated finish and usually very solid and accurate.

  33. I have a "strong grip" which I incorporated into getting rid of my slice. I'll try neutral with a lower case y to see how that effects power. With a strong grip I barely have to do anything to hit 280-310.

    I think the neutral grip is more repeatable and eliminates variables at the cost of a few yards. I'll try both. I really like the "feel" of the left wrist breaking just a bit at the top.

  34. I am 80 years old. Added 30 yards to my drives and enjoying my golf more than ever
    Now I understand how to correctly get the wright on my front side
    I’m in the UK and have recommended your course to many friends and patients Great therapy and the answer to playing great golf
    Thank you Sir Tom
    Dr Phil

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