Just over a year ago I was involved in a car accident that nearly took my life. Today I broke 80 for the first time!

NSFW for the photo of my car after the accident, because I know it can be hard for some to look at. But I am in such a surreal state of mind right now.

Golf has been one of the few physical things that hasn’t given me an immense amount of pain for the past year. I’d use the sport as a way to remind myself to relax my muscles and translate that to my life outside the links. It’s helped me immensely.

What a rollercoaster of a round. Hitting that last putt nearly put me in tears but I threw a huge fist pump instead.

by drakershi


  1. RevolutionaryView0

    bogey bogey bogey finish, pressure was creeping up 😂 First time (and only time) I broke 80 I was at 75 going into a par 3. shanked right, flubbed chip then next chip almost holed it tap in bogey for the 79. Had to make it interesting of course.

  2. ChrandyGolf2007

    Awesome! Congrats on getting into the 70s club 💪🏼

  3. BumblebeeIll6042

    shot 84 at rec last week for my pb. good job brotha amazing story

  4. IIIIllllllll

    Thankful that shitty Mitsubishi saved you. Hopefully you got something safer afterwards

  5. gethereddout

    14 my brother.. that’s what got you there. And the chip in of course. Congrats!

  6. Haha I’m the opposite golf messed up my wrists elbow and back but I can’t stop playing 😅 glad we both get to enjoy this sport and improve!

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