Someone out there broke 80 for the first time so in honor I bought irons

Someone out there broke 80 for the first time so in honor I bought irons

by Porksausage313


  1. bynummustang

    I got a set earlier this year. Then knee injury and can’t swing. :(. Have like 5 rounds on them.

  2. Ironically, this is the set I used to break 80 for the first time

  3. Chipped-Beef

    Hey, I broke 100 for the first time on Sunday (99), then shot a 92 yesterday. Anybody else who feels like celebrating, please buy yourself something nice.

  4. Quiet-Commission8602

    Oh I thought that was a hockey stick. 😊

  5. greatmagneticfield

    Why wouldn’t you take the wrapper off for the pic?

    Or are you going to do an ASMR unwrapping video for us later?


  6. freebeer256

    I just got those irons a few weeks ago. They’re amazing. Enjoy!

  7. iKevtron

    Congrats. Aside, I just really appreciate the “someone farted”, got a new club, posts. Just fires me up for a totally irrational and unexplainable reason.

  8. bobsonmichaels

    I broke 90, i dont know if that counts, but hella nice irons.

  9. Just hear the club bit the ball. 350 will do the rest

  10. davonoches

    I have the T300s and will probably upgrade to those bad boys in the next year or so. Send over a review if you get a chance.

    I know they’re gonna be straight missile launchers, but I’d like to live vicariously through you.

  11. The_Zo_Show

    I did the same….then consistently hit 95-100 with the new ones! lol


  12. Ok_Squirrel87

    I need the r/wallstreetbets equivalent subreddit for golf to host this degeneracy 😂

  13. That was me this weekend. First 79 carded. Glad someone knew the assignment.

  14. High5sRnumbr1

    Shot a 79 a couple weeks ago wasn’t my first time but a rarity for sure so I approve your purchase 🫡

  15. sachimo2000

    Shot a 78 the other day but the course was playing a temp hole so only par 68. Feels like it doesn’t count as much…

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