World’s Smoothest Speed? Drew Cooper’s Golf Swing Gets The Rundown

We take Drew Cooper through The Rundown to see how he creates so much clubhead speed with such an effortless looking motion.

In this video we use a variety of technologies to measure Drew’s swing including: Foresights Sports GC Quad, Swing Catalyst High Speed Cameras and Dual Motion Force Plates, HackMotion Wrist Sensor and DeWiz 3D Motion Sensor.




  1. You really know your stuff Matt, and still manage to convey it in an interesting concise way.

  2. Awesome breakdown of the swing by you guys. So much fun to hear you guys dive into the kinematics, would love to see more of these

  3. Very interesting discussion, and impressive performance. Coaches talk a lot about slowing down the hands to get the club head acceleration; but never illustrate how this is done. Could you add a video that shows us lesser mortals how to achieve this? More please.

  4. Crazy how early he peaks his forces…I can't comprehend 🤯😂
    Feel free to go deep on the swing cat stuff…it's super fascinating 🤓

  5. Effortless speed is so true! I've been working on making my swing effortless and just messing around on the range trying to swing as slow as possible while hitting the ball as far as possible I've really noticed that hand speed and breaking is key. I've gone from carrying my 32° 7i 160 swinging hard to carrying it 180 swinging effortlessly. Too bad that feel is still fleating on course, but that's what more practice is for.

  6. This is awesome. Love these types of videos. Curious: you mentioned seeing some folks have their pressure/weight extremely forward and they’re just chopping down hitting fades. I really think this may be me. I’ve always thought more weight forward = more inside out path. You’re saying more weight back should produce more in to out path though?

  7. Great video Matt and Drew. I genuinely learned something new I want to apply, and so happy to see you both back in a video.

  8. Matt hope you can get on a live soon so you can catch us up on how things are going and what’s coming up

  9. great to see ya back Matty Boy! I was just thinking last week thats its been a little while since I saw a video drop, glad to see it!

  10. I am interested in knowing which version of deWiz you are using. I can't find values like MHAy or Pron/Sub in my deWiz app.

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