Golf Tips

How do I get this tiny white ball higher in the air?

Hi guys!! I posted here a few months ago and everyone was really helpful so thank you for that. I’m a newer player with limited resources so advice here is invaluable.

The primary issue that I’m trying to fix right now is my ball height. For example, this video is an 8i. Here are the stats:

Carry total: 125y
Total distance: 141y
Apex: 49ft
Ball speed: 96mph
Launch angle: 19 degrees

I’m getting in trouble a lot because the ball is rolling out farther than I’d like to, especially with my longer clubs. In this instance, if I were to use my 125 club on a 125y par 3 or approach shot, I’m often ending up rolling off the back. If I use a 9 instead and don’t pure it, I’m chipping on or doing a super long putt. My hybrids and woods in particular will also roll an extra 20 yards, especially if they’re not on a tee. I don’t strike them consistently well yet either tbh. Getting my lead knee straight sooner, even with pulling my hip back, has been such a challenge and idk if that’s why I’m not compressing enough.

My stepdad says it’s my clubs. I’m ~100% sure~ it’s not the clubs and I’m just not doing something right. I also don’t think getting fitted for a set until I’m shooting consistently under 90 is a financially smart idea. With that, any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance! (and pls be kind, it’s a hard game!!)

by Sea-Department-41


  1. FishRock4


    On those short irons, and in general I suppose, putting the ball back in your stance–towards your back foot–will decrease the height. And the opposite with the front foot.

  2. Call-me-Maverick

    You have very little shoulder turn, you’re just laying your left arm across your chest / chin. You’ll get more power if you make a full turn. Feel like your right arm is pushing the club handle away from your body (away from target) as you come to the top of the backswing.

    There are a lot of great videos out there about the backswing illusion. Your arms basically raise and lower the club but it’s the chest that turns. I like Athletic Motion Golf. One of these videos might be helpful to you:

    Edit: you’ll get more power and be able to get the ball in the air more if you start turning more

  3. Closed face/bowed wrist is where I would start. Unless you have very high head speed it’s harder to hit the ball high with that face and wrist condition.

  4. BasieShanks

    Are you fitted for those clubs? Get your swing speed and equipment checked first. You have a good swing already.

  5. Ok_Difference8202

    A Face On view might help more with this issue. I’m curious where your hands are in relation to the ball at impact. Are you overly delofting the club?

    You have a damn solid swing btw. Great sequencing and shallowing of the club.

  6. Houston34s

    More weight on you front leg for iron shots.

  7. Pocketz7

    I’ll tell you as soon as you tell me how you get it going straight

  8. flootch24

    Curious if on grass you’d take a divot on a standard 8i. Hard to tell off a mat, but a drill I like is to practice some swings without a ball present, just to work on creating nice long shallow divots.

  9. mediocrebrawler

    That’s a nice trajectory if you create enough spin. A short backswing does not necessarily have anything to do with your trajectory, it’s your release. If you release earlier, you decrease your shaft angle and create more loft. You have a fine swing!

  10. VastWillingness6455

    One thing I would advise you on is your takeaway seems to be out to in. If you bring your club straight back or a little in will help with distance. Height is on your contact and on mats it’s hard to tell where you strike the ball

  11. Sorryallthetime

    Damn my swing sucks. I hit my 8 iron 140 as well. But I am a 210 pound male.

  12. Honestly your swing looks fine. Clubs and golf ball matter here. I’d be curious what ball you are using.

  13. Ravenous234

    What happens if you simply try to hit hot higher?

    If it’s not intuitive. Some things you could try. Hit a little open instead of closed. The cut will be higher. To go higher on the same flight requires more speed if you’ve got it. Add more dynamic loft. Essentially casting the club on purpose.

    Mostly I take whatever my stock hight is and just hit it hard if I need it to go higher. If I have room to hit up a little then you can hit if lots of hight.

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