Got my first ever albatross today!

Hole 14 @Wild Rock. 514 yard par 5 with a narrow green. 340 yard drive (dry fairways downhill) with a knockdown 7 iron from 170. During a money game too!

by JayG-UW


  1. poopsididitagen

    My old man always said they are more impressive than a hio. Nice job 🙂

  2. Responsible_Tip_4973

    Another legend who can prove it can be done

  3. And proceeded to close out the round with solid pars after that adrenaline spike. Well done, Sir!

  4. ValyrianSteelYoGirl

    Crushed that drive. Congrats on the big bird!

  5. Another_SCguy

    Congratulations my guy! Oddly enough I got an albatross before I got my HOI. Almost identical to yours, 310 yard drive down hill with a 7i one hop before the green and rolled in! Unfortunately mine was not in a money game, just playing on a random Wednesday morning as a single with three strangers. Mount that baby and cherish the rarely achieved, let alone witnessed feat!

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