Nightmare come true. Got first HIO playing by myself

Nightmare come true. Got first HIO playing by myself

by THX1138JT


  1. Weary_Abrocoma_1175

    A photo of a ball in a cup. Meaningless. Anyone can pose that. Really though, congrats! I think:)

  2. sirdickreynolds

    The Bill Murray HIO

    As it left the tee it whispered “and no one will ever believe you”

  3. lazysheepdog716

    Me too. I filmed the walk up to the hole and sent it to my closest golf buddies and family. All I needed to make it real. Treasure the memory of that shot forever.

  4. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there does it really make a sound? Just kidding congratulations on your hole in one.

  5. ImaFreemason

    Still good in my books. Congratulations.

  6. 1upconey

    I’d be stoked! Why does everything need validation?

  7. Fickle_Memory_3154

    Not saying I don’t believe you and also not saying I wouldn’t do the same thing, but it always cracks me up how people always take a picture of the ball in the hole as though it’s some kind of proof 😂😂

  8. doctordevices01

    Sounds to me like you still have 0 hole in one’s

  9. JonnyRingo808

    Congratulations! At least you don’t have to buy any drinks?

  10. mustang19671967

    Who cares what others think , it’s a HIO and treat it like that

  11. Extra_Positive4810

    Suuuuuuuuuuure haha

    I’ve thought about this 100 times. I’m always looking for someone on a near by hole to yell at to run over lol but alas. Have not had to.

    Well done! (Maybe) kidding!

  12. mustang19671967

    Who cares what others think , it’s a HIO and treat it like that

  13. Dry-Honeydew2371

    When people ask if you’ve ever gotten a HIO, no one ever asks who was with you.

    If they do, then you’re probably a serial liar.

  14. HalfACenturyMark

    I luckily have two of them. If the subject of HIO’s ever comes up, I’m never asked who was with me. I couldn’t tell you all of the other players that were there for a million dollars. I remember a couple of them. I also only remember for certain what club I used on one of them. I’m only pretty sure about the other.

    Bottom line is, those aren’t the things that matter. You got a hole in one! Congratulations!!!

  15. ushouldlistentome

    I mean it’s better than playing by yourself and not getting a hole in one

  16. austinjm34

    Sometimes when I’m feeling good by myself I set up my phone and record my par 3 shots. Usually I duff the hell out of those

  17. ThePretzul


    What are you talking about, that’s the ideal! This way you don’t have to go broke buying drinks for everyone!

  18. hankbaumbach

    That’s not the nightmare, that’s just a hole in one.

    The nightmare is holing it out from the tee box for a par because your 1st tee shot went OB.

  19. Kevin91581M

    Could’ve been worse.

    You could have never gotten a HIO

  20. krazninetyfive

    Whatever. You know you did it. At the end of the day, isn’t that all that counts.

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