Feel free to laugh at my worst swing this year.

But the year's not over…

by ReallyJTL


  1. Turbulent_Echidna423

    zero tempo. nothing. hack snd slash.

  2. Bubbly-Permit-9669

    Be realistic, you’ve had worse.

  3. rileyzoid

    You need to use more arms and less body. You need to be more flippy at the bottom of the swing

  4. weightedslanket

    This is one of the worst golf swings I’ve ever seen

  5. irrelephantiasis

    Looking at that video….I’ll wager there have been worse 😉

  6. thewonderblink

    Are your hands not even touching each other

  7. Orblan_the_grey

    Just trying to help here but an arms only swing is never going to improve.

  8. fivegallondivot

    I find it hard to believe that was your worst shot of the year

  9. Homernandpenelope9

    Don’t sell yourself short. You’re a tremendous slouch.

  10. YogurtNo3045

    The twist is he’s super talented and was incredibly precise in missing on purpose and looking so out of whack.

  11. 150ydHoleOut

    It’s pretty impressive to be so un-athletic

  12. BigTallFreak850

    My man… You should take a few lessons. The golf swing comes more natural to some than others and that’s okay. Believe me when I say it will be worth the money.

  13. beeranddistortion

    Keep your right elbow against your body and rotate. Do a slow backswing and accelerate all the way through the ball

  14. OakwoodFox

    You have limited athletic skills. Golf is hard.

  15. gainsbyatheism

    Thats the same back swing I use to start my lawn mower

  16. tokyo_engineer_dad

    I never thought I’d use this sentence but:

    You’re using way too much elbow.

  17. gigaboyo

    Dudes will never play a sport in their whole lives and think they can play golf

  18. JonnyRingo808

    You shouldn’t stand so close to your practice shot!

  19. falsefront7

    MUCH better than if you’d actually made contact. Only one result with that swing path and the giant neon “open” sign flashing on the club face. At least here, you still have your ball and you can take another shitty hack at it!!

  20. undrwater

    Let me be the first to congratulate you on this production. Very funny, and that’s more important than a good swing!

  21. CouldntBeMoreWhite

    I legitimately don’t know the last time I’ve seen a swing this bad. What do you normally shoot? If you say anything under 110, I’m going to call you a liar.

  22. id_death

    I’ve been at this for two months so I can say, without a doubt, your swing is perfect. You should probably involve your wrists and elbows more, that’s where the power comes from after all.

  23. The_Nutz16

    It’s incredible that you didn’t shit your pants at the same time, looks like you were trying as hard as you could.

  24. nanapancakethusiast

    Remember — this is the person arguing with you on r/golf lol

  25. Vassago67

    A few weeks ago, i took a swing in the rough and the ball flew straight up in the air about 5 feet and landed in the exact same spot it was in before. I looked up in disbelief and everyone was staring at me😂

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