Golf Simulator

Optishot Nova Update.

I ordered the Nova Launch monitor from optishot May 23rd. At the time (and now) the website said that’s in preorder so I figured it was going to take some time to get.

Finally received the new launch monitor last Tuesday (Aug 13th, 12 weeks after ordering)

Here’s my initial impressions of the entire process. I will make another thread regarding my thoughts on how the actual use of the unit it’s once I get I working. (Will explain more in this thread)

I was previously using the “Orbit” launch monitor by optishot as well and already familiar with their software. (The orbit is a rebranded SC4). When I got a notification about the Nova I was excited, and after watching the initial trailer touting what the Nova could do, I was sold! Bought it about 3 weeks after it was released with the hopes that this would completely my simulator setup.

I was looking for something that was down the line, as I have a lot of left handed golf friends. So need something thats down the line and doesn’t need to get moved around makes the most sense for my setup. Also with limited space I was looking for something that didn’t need to be more than 5-6 feet behind the golfer. Considering the specs the Nova looks perfect!

So after months of waiting, and messaging optishot about a possible arrival date it finally shipped! I was over the moon!

Along with the shipping confirmation I got an email stating the following:

Your Nova will ship out today. Here is the UPS tracking number for your shipment:

Inside the case, you will receive the following:
power cable
ethernet cable
3 Taylormade TP5 pix balls (the markings on these balls are used to measure spin)
Orion Live activation code

Before we can assist with calibration of your unit, you will need to download TeamViewer Host onto the PC that will be used with your simulator. Once installed, please reply to this email with your TeamViewer ID (9-10 digit number) and password. This will allow us to connect to your computer and complete the software download and installation. Also, please set your computer to stay awake/powered by going to your computer’s Power & Sleep settings and changing your Screen and Sleep time to ‘Never’, as well as have your Nova powered and wired to your PC, placed roughly 72” behind the tee location. We will then schedule a mutually convenient time to complete the calibration, hit sample shots, and tour the software.

So couple of things here:

  • Never was I told before this that I would need to let optishot remote view my computer to install any software/calibrate the unit itself.

  • The website says that you need 5 feet behind the ball. The email they sent me said to place it “72inch” (6 feet) behind the ball.

  • They expect me to leave my computer running and just allow them to login at their conscience to install the required software.

I already have the original “Orion live” software that I got with the “Orbit” lunch monitor I bought from them last year. But it doesn’t seem that the Nova is exactly compatible with this software.

I emailed the company back last Wednesday, trying to set up a time to have things installed and calibrated on Friday and I’m yet to get anything back from about setting up a time to complete this process. I do not plan on allowing them to remote access my computer if I’m not there to watch what they’re doing on my computer. Never have I ever bought any kind of software/hardware where this was a requirement to use.

The Nova itself didn’t come with ANY documentation whatsoever. A box with the launch monitor, with a smaller box inside with an Ethernet cable and a power cord. Literally only things in the box.

I’ve since plugged the unit in to power and my computer. Only a single button on the unit that doesn’t seem to power on or off anything at all. I’ve single, double, triple pressed, 5x and 10x to see what would happen, assuming somehow it was able to go into a standby mode. The light on the unit never changed colour or turned off or anything at all.

Once plugged into my computer the unit is detected, and an Ethernet source, but doesn’t do anything in the Orion Live software. There’s no setting within the software to switch to the Nova unit. Can pick between their other launch monitors (galaxy, orbit etc.)

So at this point I’m waiting to email the customer support staff back tomorrow (Monday) to try and figure this out and get my unit working.

I just wanted to update this with my experiences with optishot so far, and I will make another post once I have the unit working to review the actual golf experience.

I bought the Nova launch monitor from optishot and despite having it for a week now it’s still unusable, as they want to remote view my computer to set it up and calibrate it. It arrived with zero documentation/owners manual.

Anyone else ever have a company want to remote access your computer to install software that wasn’t somehow a scam?

by vulgar_hooligan

1 Comment

  1. UncharacteristicZero

    Big ol nope from me on anything from that company just from this. That monitor could be better than a trackman and I wouldn’t care a bit.

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