Golf Tips

Any tips? Struggling to get down from 10/11.

Any tips? Struggling to get down from 10/11.

by Willm727384

1 Comment

  1. Calm-Ingenuity2880

    setup wise, your weight distribution is off. Your toes, knees and armpits should matchup more.


    take away, your hands go out vs going back on a straight line


    At the top see how much more disconnected your trail elbow is, that relates to how much higher you lead arm is above your shoulder plane. Your trail elbow is probably not really in front of your chest.


    You can really see it through the downswing:


    So because you arms are so high, and you fire the hips, it’s basically impossible to lower the arms and get them down into a good transition position. High hands and quick hips = Steeper, OTT, or a combination of both. In a battle between hips and arms, hips will always win.

    It’s a bad cliche to lead with the hips.


    Try to find an instructor that can help you with these things.

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