Golf Babe

Can You Break A 7:00 Mile??

Can You Break A 7:00 Mile??


  1. 5:07 in a three mile race. I went out at 5:07 then mile two was 5:11 and I forget the third mile. Probably something like 5:20. I could never get into the four minutes + times. I was never that gifted a runner. I was seventeen when I posted those.

  2. 6 flat was my best, but that was after years in the army. Now, I'd be lucky to get under 8 mins.

  3. sand is much harder. I ran 5:45 about 6 years ago in the middle of a 5k race. blew up at the 2.5 mile point trying to break 18 minutes. never did accomplish it

  4. My best 2-mile time in the Army was a 12:20 (I was in my lower 20s at the time). We’d run down the road for one mile and come back for the second. The wind typically blew off of Lake Ontario going east, so the first mile was usually wind aided, whereas the 2nd mile was a pain in the butt. My first mile on that run was under 5:30. The second mile was almost 7 minutes.

    Now I’m 51 y.o., and don’t think I could do one mile in that 12:20 time 😂

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