18 Holes – 111 Strokes – 1 Ball

I did it. I have achieved golf mediocrity to a degree I never thought possible. Thanks Obama.

by duhogman


  1. duhogman

    Might I add that I even hit it into a creek, located it, and fished it out.

    Honestly didn’t think this was possible at my skill level.

  2. Bougie_Mane

    An impressive feat in it’s own right if we’re being honest

  3. Choochieman3

    God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.

  4. Retire it. Put it on display in the living room.

  5. MaximumKarp2

    Can’t go wrong with a Rock Flite, except those Rock Flite 2000 pieces of sh*t.

    Friends don’t let friends hit xl 2000’s

  6. Infinite_Respect_

    The ball:


  7. Virgil_Rey

    Not that hard to find your ball when it only goes 70 yards

  8. _Can_i_play_

    That’s awesome, I just shot a 110 w/6 balls yesterday.

  9. RazorPhishJ


  10. Random567234

    I’m actually pretty impressed by this lol

  11. pikachusplayhouse

    And Titleist would tell you your score would have been 20 strokes less, had that been a ProV1.

  12. KananJarrusEyeBalls

    Deserves to be cut in half and mounted.

  13. inevitable-asshole

    Where’s that guy that was making hole in one plaques out of wood? This top flite ball deserves it

  14. WingleDingleFingle

    As a fellow high handicapper, how did you shoot a 111 while not losing a ball? I have played and handful of rounds losing one or two balls, but those end up being some of lowest scoring rounds, even if I am generally playing like shit. I’ve never had a 111 though. Not losing a ball should put you much closer to 100, no?

    This comments sounds critical but it isn’t. I’m honestly just very curious how the round shook out this way.

  15. FireMaster2311

    I actually achieved the 1 ball feat with my very first round. I was 5 playing on a easy executive course, and on the few holes with water, I just chipped the ball till I was beyond it, because I didn’t want to lose the ball as it was my favorite that I had been practicing with. It was a yellow top flight. That I’m now realizing my dad probably just found on the course… since he never used yellow balls because he can’t see them.

  16. Living_Reputation_63

    Is that a good ball? I found it today and shot it straight in the woods 😬

  17. bowes911

    The moment you lose all fear of losing your ball, you play well.

  18. Boring-Victory-5803

    I always say, if you can make it through the round with one ball, that’s good golf. You worked hard to prove me wrong. I’m impressed

  19. Kitchen_Abalone_3617

    I wonder what the average number of strokes a golfball gets

  20. patteh11

    That’s honestly impressive after 111 strokes that you didn’t lose any.

  21. DovhPasty

    This honestly seems like a dream performance to me

  22. Snay_Rat

    Still have yet to break 100. If I play a round with the same ball the whole round, doesn’t matter how many strokes I take, I consider that a great day.

  23. Icy-Translator-2750

    This post definitely deserves the NSFW title

  24. nachograndpa

    Holy shit, im impressed. The only reason im shooting in the 100s is because I lose it every 3 holes

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