Had my first lesson and got a tripod

Next time I'll put my hair up in a bun so you can actually see the ball but I'm hoping to be ready to play 18 holes soon

by PoweredByKraftDinner


  1. TheGreatWhiteHope47

    I enjoy watching your progression.

    Have fun and keep swinging!

  2. ZealousidealForce175

    Enjoying these, you’re getting better for sure. Keep at it.

  3. Your posture looked great before you dipped your knees forward. Keep it up, you are doing great.

  4. Clubbyfatass

    Looking good! The thing I like most about it is that you’re not overthinking it! Take your stance, look at the target, let it go! So many beginners turn into a statue over the ball and lose all of their natural athleticism. It’s been fun watching your improvement, just keep working at it. Cheers 💛

  5. Organic-Jicama-429

    Great stuff!

    Try standing a bit further from the ball so that you’re not so upright, it will help you twist your body!

  6. lazysheepdog716


    r/golf every time you make a new post 🙂

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