Got fitted for new irons and now playing my worst golf ever

Finally decided it was time to get new clubs and went and got fitted. Narrowed my choice down to T200’s and i530’s. Hit both of them extremely well all day, came back the next day to hit them again and ended up going with the t200’s. Every number (spin, launch angle etc.) was perfect on the track man during the fitting and was striking center of face everytime. Got them in the mail last week and have had two range sessions and three rounds since then and it’s like i just started golfing. Cant find the center of the face, topping the ball and can’t hit a green. Incredibly frustrating spending that kind of money and hitting them perfectly at the fitting to wanting to go back to my old clubs now. Is this normal, do i need to just get adjusted to them?

by Zajim


  1. Inthewoods2020

    Sorry man, you gotta go back to the old ones. I’ll take these off your hands.

  2. I would take them to the fitter to make sure they are the correct length / lie / loft

    It usually takes a handful of rounds to get used to new equipment, but not being able to find the center makes me think that maybe the lie got adjusted wrong or something

  3. antitheta

    Sometimes the fitting if off lie boards or mats mask the descent angle issues you might have. So… Where were you fitted and was it off one of these surfaces? Best advice was the guy who said go back to fitter and confirm a) you got what you ordered and b) see if maybe they will let you take a look at the numbers with them on the trackman. I had a bad fitting once due to the “bounce” I got off the surface. Real life the clubs I got dug too much and were not a good fit for me. Best of luck, that sucks.

  4. Chalk_260125

    It took me a good 9 months to figure out my new irons after getting fitted. Went from DCIs I had for 15 yrs to Mizuno JPX 921s. It’s a process.

  5. Objective-Cat-

    Bring a few of your old clubs to the range and alternate to see if it’s just in your head or the new clubs are fucked

  6. Lakrfan247

    It’s all in the hips, don’t over think it.

  7. JockJams_VOL7

    Just saw guy selling off his brand new once used custom irons recently probably for the same reasons.

  8. Capable_Roof3214

    They need to be programmed for great shots. Were you not offered this upgrade?

  9. commitpushdrink

    Happens to [the best of us]( Worst thing you can do is go back to your old clubs. Choke down an inch and take 3/4ths swings until you find your groove again.

  10. Brian_E1971

    The golf gods demand pain and sacrifice from your purchase before you get an ounce of hope.

  11. BababooeyAD

    Been there – initially I was like, “I think I made a huge mistake”…..not only because i was hitting them like shit, but also because I was hungover at my fitting from an NHL playoff game the night before (Im an idiot lol). A half dozen or so rounds later, I was crushing them. Takes a bit to get the feel of the new clubs imo….

  12. LurkerKing13

    Did you get them customized at all? It’s possible they messed them up. But the more likely answer is it’s in your head.

  13. ILikeToDisagreeDude

    I needed a week or two with my new irons before I got used to them. Played horribly to begin with but eventually played better than ever.

    Then I changed a minor thing in my swing…

  14. shift013

    First step is to look cool.

    Beautiful irons, enjoy them. I had the new t200 4iron and it was amazing

  15. jim_liz19

    Omg I love my T200s, give ‘em some time and hopefully they’ll come around for you

  16. could be the shafts if they are different than what you hit (length, flex, material?). definitely is not a problem with the club head. could also just be the golfer

  17. wetpaperbags

    You expected to be hitting it good and you are hitting it frustratingly terrible? Welcome to golf and my strongest condolences. That’s sounds lime one of the most disappointing set backs I can think of in golf.

  18. openlyincognito

    happened to me once, was a very good golfer, got fit, almost quit golf, picked up my old clubs and all was good. met a golf buddy who went to the same fitter, gave us the exact same shafts

    unfortunately there are people who have no idea what they’re doing or trying to sell certain products

  19. ProCircuit

    I truly believe that issues like this aren’t the clubs at all. It’s between the ears.

  20. JustinKoch2020

    I got fitted for those same irons. I played like shit for 3 weeks, and then one I got a handle on those I started playing the best golf of my life. Once you understand those irons I’m sure you will love them. Stick with it, you got this.

  21. PliableG0AT

    Yep, its normal. I have never had a good first month with new irons. A first round here or there.

    You should double check the specs. Take them to a golf shop or somehwere and get loft, lie, length, and swing weight checked out. First thing that should be done with any new set of irons.

    This also just kinda happens in golf. First time I broke par I thought I was gonna go on a run of great golf. I dont think I shot under an 80 for the next 10 rounds of golf I played, and I put up a sweet 91 in the first round after my underpar round.

  22. CO-Miner

    Give them a chance. I had a similar experience this year. Was hitting Ping G15’s. I wanted a lower ball flight and a more workable club. Got fitted into a TM P790. Hit them great at the fitting. Got them and couldn’t hit them to save my life. I thought, what have I done. Turns out I wasn’t hitting the center of the club face. I’d hit the ground just before the ball. Worked on my ball striking for a couple of weeks. Now I hit them the way I was at my fitting. My point is, it takes time to get used to hitting new clubs. Don’t give up on them just yet.

  23. I_really_enjoy_beer

    Golf isn’t about playing well, it’s about having the best set of clubs.

  24. MasterVaderTheTurd

    It’s gonna take you a while to get used to new clubs, 6-8mo. Enjoy the suck 👍

  25. YNABDisciple

    You’re in your head. Stop thinking about it and just keep swinging.

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