My wife, the comedian.

So this was my Christmas haul, posted 12/25/23 – today I was meeting a buddy for golf and I go get another box of soldiers to sacrifice and I jokingly say, “I have four dozen left, reckon that’ll be enough?” My meaning,of course, being enough to last the rest of the year before another Christmas haul. My lovely wife -who doesn’t golf, understands nothing about golf except my love for it grants her access to a nice pool and a decent restaurant, sarcastically says, “Do you mean for today?”

For the record, lost one ball. Hit a shady 7 iron that was in play and since it was slow as all hell in front of us, dropped a “bubba” ball and promptly hit it in the water. So at least it didn’t affect my score.

by mustbeshitinme


  1. Shit_Disturber71

    Ouch, that’s gotta hurt. Did it hurt cuz she was right?

  2. Well, if someone is gonna mess with your balls, might as well be the wife.

  3. Prestigious_Buy1209


    I tell my wife not to buy golf balls since she would probably buy the cheapest Top Flite on the shelf. If I told her “it need to be urethane on the outside” she would look at me like I have 8 eyes. No offense to cheap golf ball people sincerely.

  4. Puzzled_Ad2090

    Swap two layer balls with her, the pink, green, yellow ones are girls fav.

  5. BanananaSlice

    I’d be happy to take a dozen off your hands.

  6. Savings-Anything407

    Is that all you get for Christmas? Golf balls? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  7. kingmidas916

    Dude, if you are losing that many balls, you should not be playing ProV1s. They are harder to play and expensive. Go get yourself 1000 pinnacles.

  8. Only_Argument7532

    Bet you that your best scores come when you play the Velocity.

  9. RembrandtQEinstein

    I like her confidence. When you play enough, you get one dozen of Prov1x. She believes in your swing speed progression. That’s a good woman!

  10. Gothewahs

    Count yourself lucky my wife got me 1 box and bought me 50 second hands

  11. BMinus973

    Life lesson. If you’re going to play the ProVs, the recycled ones at half price almost make you cringe half as hard when you sky hook one 270 towards the house on the left. While you’re waiting for the *PSSSCHHHH*, you can just scurry back to the cart, slug the rest of your beer and grab another pro v and pretend like it was just the neighborhood bottle kids doing their rounds..

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