This is what I’ve been saying for a few months now. He seems completely miserable…

This is what I’ve been saying for a few months now. He seems completely miserable…

by FatFaceFaster


  1. Nevroyne

    So just fuckin do it. This isn’t Breaking Bad.

  2. Thetinpotman_

    I’m sure he visits an ATM, checks his balance and cheers himself up.

  3. gerbariantrio

    LIV golf is Caddyshack 2. Nobody gives a shit.

  4. JustEconomist3112

    Went from the best player in the world, to “oh shit that’s right Rahm is with LIV”

  5. Scissors4215

    I’d like to think he wants to come back. But these stories keep popping up. I think they are click bait

  6. Fun-Point-6058


  7. YourHuckleberry25

    He, at least to me seemed like a guy that had all the money he needed and thrived off competition and winning.

    I was shocked when he went to LIV because of that.

  8. scheenkbgates

    I love his interview with Feherty when he joined LIV, he says something like “I really love the team aspect about LIV” lol like fuck off Rahm, you hated it all to begin with.

  9. BanananaSlice

    Lol pretty sad considering he was on top of the PGA tour before he left and now he’s a nobody.


  10. neuro_space_explorer

    It shows with his play in the majors on the final day. Dudes only use to playing 3 day tournies.

  11. Bigboycoc

    I doubt he’d cut the check for whatever 300-500 million he’s been paid. Saying this shit to save face

  12. biddilybong

    That’s what happens when you allow your wife and agent to make your career decisions for you.

  13. starkiss1969

    It’s all about greed I mean how much fucking money do you really need. If you have 50 million bucks you’re set what’s another 50 or 200 million.? so you could just say hey look at my giant bank account big fucking deal money has ruined sports unfortunately

  14. Stranger2306

    I *super* love my job. It’s easy AND fufilling, but pays low.

    If I was offered 5 times my salary for an even easier job that wasn’t fufilling one bit – I’d take it in a heart beat.

  15. TraditionPast4295


  16. kennyinlosangeles

    Tough fucking shit. It’s not like it was a mystery when he signed up. Time to suck it up and wait for the eventual merger. Then everyone can move on…

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