Golf Tips

I always slice or hit over the ball plz help

I always slice or hit over the ball plz help

by No_Security_2365


  1. pm_me_yo_creditscore

    Stand a hair farther back from the ball so that your weight is centered over your feet vs your heels. Check out this idea for how to get the hips rotating.


  2. Jabba_the_Putt

    imagine a line coming backwards out of the center of the ball. when you swing, keep your club on your side of that imaginary line. as soon as the center of your club starts going over that line you’re now coming over the top

  3. Stop using your arms to swing the golf club. Work on setting the club and rotating your body. This will be no more over the top.

    Do the turn and burn drill.

  4. Syzygyy182

    Feel like you start your downswing with your lower body before you finish rotating back with your top half. It will shallow the club naturally

  5. buffbroSPT

    Tuck that right elbow into your side more – put a glove under your armpit and swing with it there and if it falls out then you flared your elbow too much

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