Golf Tips

Beginner Golfer

Took a two week break but before the break I was hitting somewhat consistently compared to now where I am struggling to even get it in the air and shanking everything either left or right. Wish I could add the other video just for reference to see what I’m doing differently but tips appreciated.

by Mindless_Ad_1076


  1. Ah-mei-zing

    Lessons, YouTube, keep grinding – welcome to the club

  2. Bunselpower

    Keep your head still. You’re bobbing it down and up and it’s going to make it tough to make consistent contact when your vantage point keeps changing. Keep your body from moving up and down. You don’t have to help the ball get in the air; the club will do that.

  3. Pumakings

    Honestly, you are not struggling so bad with an over the top swing and you should count that as a big win. Focus on your grip, posture, and balance and I think you will see a big improvement. Don’t jump at the ball.

  4. SpiritRevolutionary8

    Sounds dumb but stop trying to hit it so hard. Slow it all down and focus on contact.

  5. DocDingwall

    Try to find a better driving range. Mats aren’t the best but this is just dreadful. Half of golf is the lie and these are as bad as you ever get. It’s already a very difficult game why make it so much worse?

  6. 40and20podcast

    Yo! You’ve got a bit of a baseball swing, which is getting your mass low, and then pushing it upwards through impact. Your body coils ***down*** and back into the backswing, and releases **up** and out from there. In fact, you can see that your head is at its lowest point at the top most portion of the backswing. You also get that lead leg pulled back into your body. Then when you start your downswing, you release everything up and forward. This is great for hitting high arcing oppo line drives, but not so much for hitting fairways.

    There is actually a lot of valuable energy transfer here, but it’s not organized properly. Your body is creating energy for a horizontal swing plane, but the club is traveling on a more vertical swing plane. Your body is fighting and not guiding the club. I think that’s a big part of why you are struggling to get the club head to the right place at impact. Someone else suggested above (and a lot of people will tell you) to try and keep your head still through the swing (rotation, perhaps, but no motion in space on any axis). Personally, I keep my head still through the backswing, but it moves quite a bit, straight down, as I initiate my downswing. **Either way, this almost the exact opposite of what you are doing.**

    I really like Shawn Clement’s “Wisdom in Golf” series on YouTube. Not because he’s infallible (some of his advice is actually a little weird), but because he talks a lot about the feels you need to execute the golf swing **with your body**. Because you already have so much good energy here, I think you could learn a lot by checking him out.

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