Golf Tips

Is my follow through too vertical?

Watching the video, my follow through seems off. I'm pretty happy with my shots right now, just wanting to make sure I'm not reinforcing a bad habit. Any other tips welcome!

by Creender


  1. MasterpieceMain8252

    It’s called early extension. Look up chair/wall drill on youtube. Your hip comes toeards the ball during swing

  2. AwayExamination2017

    The only reason your follow through is relevant in a golf swing is because it is an indication of what you are doing before impact.

    Similarly, the backswing is only relevant because it sets you up physically for your downswing.

    The downswing is only relevant because it culminates in the only thing that truly matters: impact.

    So if you’re hitting the ball (aka impact) well, then it absolutely does not matter.

    If you’re not hitting the ball well, consistently then start with impact, think about how you want the club head to move through the 6” on either side of the ball (hint: the answer is squarely).

    Now think about how you would make a downswing that delivers that impact position.

    Once you have that mental image, the backswing is kinda obvious: put yourself in position to make the downswing you want.

    And after all that, the follow through can’t help but be right.

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