Report: Jon Rahm desperate to rejoin PGA Tour and give back LIV millions

Report: Jon Rahm desperate to rejoin PGA Tour and give back LIV millions

by Elliottafc1


  1. usernamepusername

    Of all the guys who’ve gone to LIV and settled down there he’s just not one of them. I’ve watched bits of him playing on LIV and he just looks like he’s absolutely hating it. Can’t knock him for taking the bajillions of cash but it’s clearly not working out for him on the course.

  2. Upper_Return7878

    Hopefully they don’t use the Khashoggi technique on him. I’m having a hard time being sympathetic to the guy who said he already had enough money that more of it wouldn’t change his life at all, and yet, he took it.

  3. Extension-Seat-7640

    Fuck him. He could’ve been honest and said he did it for the money and nobody could fault that. But instead, he claimed he did it to “grow the game”. GTFO.

  4. CoolstorySteve

    I miss watching Jon Rahm play so hopefully he can come back.

  5. It would be nice to have him back.

    That kind of astonishing cash would tempt any man, lets be honest.

    At least he can admit his mistake and get out of that bollocks before its too late.

  6. ohwhatafinish

    It’s a shame that the best players are not playing regularly every week but that’s how it is at the moment, if Rahm is happy to give the money back I’m sure the pga tour will take him back with open arms

  7. Own-Effort-5328

    I’m of two minds about this: 1) He knew what he was getting into and made himself instantly look like a hypocrite after making a big deal about the “history of the game” and “legacy; but 2) It would obviously be a boon for the PGA Tour and might actually be the straw that breaks the camel’s back on an actual merger, which I think everyone still wants, ultimately.

  8. Hashtag_Tech

    That’s on him. He should have known every detail before he moved. You get what you get.

  9. Beneficial_Present29

    dude inflated his own ego and then got hit with reality

  10. Spglwldn

    One of the biggest shames about him moving is that it was always interesting to hear him talk about golf.

    He had strong opinions but always spoke well and talked about everything. That’s completely disappeared since he went to LIV. For some reason they seemingly want to keep one of their biggest assets quiet.

    Even pre-LIV, he spoke pretty fairly about it and was a lot more sensible than pretty much anyone else on the topic.

    Similarly, Callaway seem to have quietly dropped him even though he had just signed a mega deal. LIV or not, it’s bizarre that they wouldn’t want one of their most marketable athletes selling their products.

    There’s something really weird going on with him. Even going back to his first LIV interview in his massive LIV varsity jacket – he was a complete rabbit in the headlights, as if he already knew he’d fucked up. It is strange that we almost never hear from him given you’d think LIV would trot out one of their biggest draws whenever possible.

  11. dave_gregory42

    Assuming this is true, I hope it happens. I want to see the best players on the tour and if this starts a precedent, I’m all for it.

    So many people have a ‘you made your bed’ outlook on things but I think it just encourages everyone to double down on their opinions. If it’s sincere (and within reason), admitting you fucked up and asking/working to make things right should be encouraged.

  12. ThePineappIe

    Let him back, only opens the door for more players to come back too. Grass isn’t always greener and that’s fine

  13. W8aMinuteChester

    It’s a tour for has beens or never weres. That’s not Rahm, but I don’t feel bad for him at all.

  14. Dull-Mix-870

    Massive miscalculation on his part. He mistakenly thought that since he was one of the top golfers in the world at the time, that millions of fans would follow him over to LIV. Oops. I read yesterday that LIV is in talks now to just have their tournaments streamed over Youtube, and that they’re having trouble again finding a broadcast partner. Who’d a thunk?

    But hey, he’s got more money than he’ll ever spend, and yeah, his family is set for life, blah, blah blah.

  15. Vexatiouslitigantz

    You guys are all dreaming the foreigners hate PGA tour. So US centric the last 25 years since tiger, it’s not good for world golf.

  16. Maleficent_Leg_768

    LIV is an exhibition always has been. It’s not serious competitive golf.

  17. LazyPizza11

    Hope he goes back. The massive asterisk beside all scotties wins sucks.

  18. DP World Tour should give him exemptions to any event he wishes to enter. It would attract serious sponsorships and really improve the state of the game globally. It’s just too US-centric. LIV was supposed to do that, but it’s not really achieving anything besides handing out the biggest paychecks at the moment.

    So many more people would watch the DP World Tour if someone like him played in it regularly.

  19. Hockeyhoser

    Weird. I thought he would have enjoyed playing with the best players in the world, like Graeme McDowell, James Piot, and Andy Ogletree.

  20. Garbage-kun

    I never really understood his move. I mean I get the whole bit about generational wealth, thats hard to pass up. And for older guys like Mickelson, Poulter, Stenson etc. it makes a lot of sense.

    But Rahm is in his prime, loves to compete, plays really well AND was making a lot of money already. I mean who the fuck watches LIV golf? You’re taking the sport out of the equation, all for the opportunity to buy a bigger house, a bigger yacht etc.

  21. AdministrativeLaugh2

    The vagueness of the article makes me think it’s probably not true and it’s just easy clicks because it’s clear he’s not really enjoying himself.

    It’s an article about an article that contains an unnamed source. Remember the articles where Rory was “100% going to LIV” according to multiple sources, and that turned out to be completely false.

  22. BustedWing

    I still very much don’t want understand the idea of very wealthy men chasing more money….just because.

    These guys had Scrooge McDuck money. More than they will ever spend in two lifetimes. The LIV money wouldn’t have changed their, their kids, their kids kids lifestyle in the slightest, and yet they took it.

    All seemingly due to the belief that more = winning in life.

    It’s mystifyingly bad judgement in my opinion.

  23. Personally I don’t want Rahm back. He was such a bitch on the tour. Always seemed to have something to complain about. Always seemed to have something else to blame his poor performance on besides himself.

  24. LimpDisc

    Are some of these sources the same ones that had Rory going to LIV?

  25. Puzzled_Try_6029

    You’re telling me he didn’t consider that no tournaments he’d play at LIV would matter? You’re joining a golf beer league playing exhibitions. What’d you expect?

  26. Rabidlamb

    Puff speculative piece by a low rank golf website fishing for clicks. Glad to have saved you the bother

  27. NapsAreAwesome

    “Hey Devil, can I buy my soul back, please?”

    Good luck with that, Jonny.

  28. Pyrohyro

    Lot of PGA players felt betrayed by the PIF/PGA deal and Rahm had been pretty outspoken against LIV, not to the levels of Rory, but one of the more outspoken players. He had been in the world top 3 ranking for sometime and spent many weeks at #1 over the past few years at the time of his defecting, and the looming deadline for the framework agreement to get done, I’m certain he had seen himself making the move as a sort of catalyst to move it along and realign all the players on the same tour eligibility again. I’m not saying he didn’t do it for the money, I’m not saying he didn’t do it for selfish reasons, but I’m near certain that at a minimum he partially thought he had more impact than what turned out in reality, and that’s what kickstarted his jump and we see how that’s panned out. 

  29. Regular-Ad-9314

    LIV is fun golf. Celebration station/mountasia/ boomers/ itz/ top golf.

  30. Anyone read the article? The headline is a quote from an anonymous ‘insider’. Whilst we love jumping on the LIV-hate bandwagon, let’s wait to see if Rahm actually says anything first.

  31. thatsapeachhun

    I really hope the PGA Tour tells him to go kick rocks. All of them made their bed, and they knew it. Decisions are what they are, but you have to deal with them.

  32. shortgamegolfer

    Nice to think about the PGA Tour getting Rahm back, but what is this bullshit golf website and unnamed source, trashy article?
    The guy at “Golf Magic” needs to protect his sources and journalistic integrity, otherwise he might harm the “Golf Magic” brand? He might lose access to now-irrelevant John Rahm’s friend? Break the story, dude! Tell us who.

  33. SuspiciousLove7219

    Him and the rest of em sold their souls for money (they were getting plenty of money on PGA) it’s the rankings they don’t get that bothers them…the PGA is a non profit organization who gives millions away the players who stayed are stand up guys the guys who left for LIV only care about 1 thing money

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