Craigslist steal

$40 and full of persimmons… Easy decision.

by dedhed92


  1. happyfuckincakeday

    Holy shit. I don’t think I’d ever use it but it’s definitely interesting.

  2. mterrelljr02

    Tell me you’re in Texas without saying TX to boot 👢

  3. at-the-crook

    some leather cleaner and conditioner – that baby goes in the man cave as a display piece. very nice.

  4. 123xyz32

    How much did that originally cost? I’d guess $1k+.

    And people still use Craigslist?

  5. MattyIce710420

    My grandpa had a bag he bought in Mexico in the 60s just like this. His woods were still made of wood lol

  6. Brandonjoe

    This might be the most beautiful thing I have seen on Reddit.

  7. keperisho

    What are you gonna do with all the persimmons? Make cookies or pudding??

  8. pickoneforme

    oh god, it’s fucking hideous. i love it!

  9. unvaluedcube

    That is the most beautiful ugly golf bag I’ve ever seen

  10. Ashamed_Medium1787

    In my opinion eBay is the way to go

  11. BallsAreFullOfPiss

    Fuck yeah. That’s actually kinda sick.

  12. FinalPenny

    That is the sickest golf bag I’ve ever seen

  13. Savings-Anything407

    You need a pair of spikeless cowboy boots to go with that.

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