Golf Tips

Any tips or feedback you fine people can give me?

I posted this yesterday on another page and someone mentioned inside takeaway which was really helpful and something I will be working on. Wondering what other people are noticing.

by DwiiiiiiideSchruuude


  1. mildlysceptical22

    Club head outside the hands on the way back from the ball and start the downswing with your lower body.

  2. parkerf11

    Inside takeaway for sure! Place a ball behind the club, leave the one in front aswell, and then push it straight back parallel to your feet. Follow through and hit and they will start much more straight. If you did this now the ball would go back and left towards you.

  3. Ok_Difference8202

    Your set up and posture look pretty solid. Balance is key.

    Absolutely work on that takeaway and backswing first. As inside as you are, it’s going to feel really strange when you get where you need to be. It’s going to feel like your hands are way too far away from your body at first. You may even drill just the backswing. Take it back and stop, then check to see if you are in position. Repeat 20-30 times per range session. Once you perfect this piece it makes it so much easier to move to the next piece you want to work on.

    Other than that, you over extend a little bit but not terribly. Achieving hip depth is something all level of golfers struggle with. There are numerous drills that help with this, you just have to find the right one for you.

    Lastly, you are going to want to create some separation between your hips and arms/hands/club. This is another high level move that is difficult to perfect. You appear to have some fluidity in your swing which should help. This will eventually help you achieve more distance.

    You are doing the right thing by recording your swing. I personally use the Golf Fix app. I love it and it’s help me completely rebuild my original self taught swing.

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