Chipped in after moving my ball from the rocky soil to a patch of grass behind. Friend says I’m a fraud, I say thats Ground Under Repair and I’m not damaging my wedge. Who is right?

Chipped in after moving my ball from the rocky soil to a patch of grass behind. Friend says I’m a fraud, I say thats Ground Under Repair and I’m not damaging my wedge. Who is right?

by Mr-BodyMassage


  1. NoTransportation888

    Anyone that isn’t cool with you moving that onto grass in a casual round is a dickhead lol

  2. thesneakywalrus

    I don’t see any markings that indicate it as GUR.

    That said, your buddy is just jealous, unless of course you were playing for money in which case he’s 100% right unless you discussed this ruling beforehand.

  3. reversetheloop

    No markings or stakes. I’m not seeing that’s ground under repair. Maybe it’s because I play alot of desert courses and we are hitting from similar hardpan/gravel/rocky soil all the time. Your friend is technically right. Playing in comp or for money, you’d be hitting from there. Now that being said, during a casual round, I understand not wanting to rash your clubs and kicking it to grass.

  4. GangnamApeist

    Nobody of sound mind expects their opponent to play a ball from that. If they insist I’m asking to use their club…they’ll soon change their tune.

  5. OregonInk

    im with you, im not ruining a club, and anyone anal enough to press me on it I don’t need to play with

  6. Haboob_AZ

    You’re right.

    Not worth damaging your clubs. Regardless of GUR status.

  7. Phenotyx

    I mean it’s just golf. In a tournament I could see it being a big deal but in a regular round with friends? Not gonna damage my club on that shit.

    That said, technically even if it was GUR you’re not supposed to take relief any CLOSER to the hole. But if that’s the only place with grass, fuck it.

  8. bondguy4lyfe

    Tourney – Play it as it lies.

    Money Game – Check with the opposition.

    Just your own score – You do you. Personally, I’m not penalizing myself that close to the green when I could damage my club.

  9. LurkyMcLurkface123

    This is easily golden rule territory, even when playing for money. Move it.

  10. shizblam

    It’s obviously not GUR and has been this way for years.

    The rules are clear on this.

    You’ve got 2 options, move the loose impediments and hit it, or take an unplayable.

    I’d personally move the loose impediments and hit my ball. I’m not worried about a few more scratches on my wedge.

    Your friend is right.

  11. ChaseWhiffRepeat

    I would have tried to sell this as a cart path if this is worn down due to traffic to get to and from the green

  12. gabacus_39

    Lol at the people here expecting someone to play off this garbage.

  13. ThatDude_AP

    oh but i’m sure had you bladed across the green, chip on, then three putt, your ‘friend’ would have never said anything. dude just sounds mad and salty😂

  14. toomey56

    On tour that would be GUR, in my senior group you’ll never have a bad lie

  15. fletchy30

    When I play a friendly round, I’ll move my ball to a better piece of grass from a spot with no rocks because I want to give myself a chance to hit a decent shot. Golf is frustrating anyways. Why am I gonna pay money to be upset all day?

  16. Here is how I look at casual golf:

    1) I have to buy my own clubs, so anything that is going to cause extra damage to them (excluding normal use when hitting out of a fairway, grass, rough, sand) I am not going to do it. If I had a club contract and got shit for free then it would a different story.

    2) If hitting from a certain area of the course will cause INJURY to me in anyway, I will move my ball to grass/sand/rough/etc (I will not hit by tree roots, rocks, cart path, etc).

    Of course, if I playing a tournament or for money, then I will follow the normal PGA rules when it comes to where my ball lies. Anyone that gives me shit about not hitting off of gravel or something else that can blow out my wrist, I just tell them to play their own game. If I do move the ball, I don’t throw it into the middle of the fairway with a perfect lie, I will move it as close as I can to where it was and play if there and will take a penalty stroke.

  17. Old_Bowl1662

    In a casual round, no money involved, nobody should care if you move your ball. But I don’t think you would damage your wedge hitting from this spot.

  18. Robespierre77

    Unless you playing for dough, move that damn thing. Muni courses got rocks all over from erosion and I ain’t baiting my clubs

  19. Old-Criticism5610

    That’s a good example of the “I’m not breaking my club rule”

  20. tejdatta

    Unpopular opinion, but looks like that is deep in the rough. Should have asked your playing partner about a ruling before moving. If you had that patch of dirt in the middle of the fairway, I’d say you are entitled to a free drop in grass. 10 paces away from the green side rough, you should have played it from the dirt unless your friend tells you to move it.

  21. Lepepino

    My clubs aren’t worth the sanctity of the game, and neither are yours.

  22. Looks like it’s next to a tree. Definitely improving your lie and would be considered cheating. Whatever helps you sleep at night knowing you shot 97 instead of 101

  23. Gone_cognito

    My golden rule is, I paid to be at the golf course. I’m not paying money to damage my equipment.

    Your friend is a bozo.

  24. We call it “Ground Under Fuck”, we don’t get our clubs for free. As my playing partners say, find some grass.

  25. RateAccomplished8971

    Technically he’s right but he’s also a dick and a loser

  26. Trundle-theGr8

    Wait, was he actually pissed or just busting your balls? Was there money on the line or something? Your buddy sounds like a real asshole 1. That’s a no brainer move, straight up gravel 2. He should’ve been hype as shit you chipped in.

  27. Sho_nuff_

    Honestly that ground has not been touched in years and it’s not GUR so I get it. With that said if you were playing a round with me for money I would let you get a free drop if you asked for it.

  28. If he wants to be like that, just do the brotherly thing and rag on him EVERY chance when he has a similar situation.

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