This is going to be legendary #golf


  1. My favourite golfer growing up playing with my favourite golfer of today? Damn what did I do to deserve such great content.

  2. I love your last name! It sounds badass when the announcers say it. Mines Badass too. It's probably the closest a name can be to being Badass without being Badass! My last name is Badish! My buddies in school always referred to me as Badass or called me by my Last name… It's definitely unique and I rarely ever hear it, and it not be a relative! That's how unique it is! I'm told it's Hungarian! My grandpa was Hungarian and my Grandma was an American Indian! At least my dad's side, my mom's side are all red heads and have a ton of Irish in them… Go figure! Lol

  3. I don't smoke, but my Grandfather never used a lighter on cigars, only matches.
    He used a Zippo on cigarettes, and he rolled his own cigarettes.
    The only thing I've got from my Grandfather is his old smoke stand that always sat next to his chair.

  4. Today's golfers are nowhere near the class group that played when Jack Nicklaus was on tour. Daly is a joke.

  5. Y do all white men end up with diabetes legs? Here inTexas all old white men walk side to side to go forward wtf 😢

  6. Did Daly beat trump score before I starte to watch! No hating on Trump! Just seeing if two pros can tie or beat him!

  7. This is best golf video on youtube. Smiled whole 50+ min video :DD Daly is legend and bryson is future legend and good guy! Love both <3

  8. If you look past everything we find entertaining about JD, the drinking, the smoking, etc, you can see how much he really cares about helping people. Especially Amateur golfers.

  9. I mean JD IS the most unique player EVER to grace his presents on the PGA tour. Thank you for the memories and look forward to more like this on YouTube. This will be an epic round. Looking forward to watching.

  10. just a reminder that just because you like it, doesnt mean other people want it. "you dont smoke heres my cigars" gotta be the dumbest thing ive heard

  11. I want to love something as much as John daily loves drinking and smoking while playing golf.

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