Golf Babe

Fastest Round Of Golf Ever…?

Fastest Round Of Golf Ever…?


  1. I played in a tournament a few months wand me and my partner played just over 3:30 hours. We also had to walk and carry our bags

  2. I love the snack break as part of the challenge. You’re pretty damn funny I have to admit. And I’d kill for your swing of course.

  3. I played 126 in a day and finished 18 holes in 1 hour. I am around a 15 handicap and ended up shooting an 86 so it didn’t affect my team play mugh

  4. You are in a cart. . . .And you are a kid. What is wrong with your generation??!! Watch some SpeedRob for the real thing.

  5. I live in Los Angeles county so it takes me that long just to get to the 'local' course and park..!😀

  6. Maybe a triathalon that include golf, running between fairways along designated path n shooting at targets with hand pistol while driving a golf cart on a bumby track. The last one will be a devastating for anyone.😂

  7. Watching the repeated swinging reminds me of absolutely spamming the replay button on the old Tiger Woods games after hitting a tee shot whackwhackwhackwhackwhack

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