Golf Tips

Any tips on how to stop pulling my irons

Any tips on how to stop pulling my irons

by More-Relationship305


  1. likethevegetable

    Try to push them.

    If it’s a straight pull, your path is just to the left and needs to be neutralized. If it’s hooking or slicing, then you need to look at your club face as well. Work backwards from the flight.

  2. SurprisedPatrick

    Maybe shutting the face down a bit much as you’re releasing your hands? Could be that, but def could be something else. Regardless, nice swing.

  3. Slevinkellevra710

    TBH, I don’t see a lot going on with your swing. The club face seems to be pretty square at impact.
    General things that frame my understanding of the golf swing are these:
    Direction and spin are a function of the relationship between club path and club face. If you swing left of the target with an open face, the ball starts left and spins right. If the face is square, the ball starts left and stays there. If the face is closed to the target, it starts left and goes left. AKA the double cross.

    I would think about what you are swinging the club at, directionally. I like to think about throwing my hands at the target. You could potentially be swinging left with a square face. I would recommend some range time with alignment sticks. Or just use clubs. Check your body alignment and what the ball is doing in relation to your intent.
    I’d also take a look at ball position. If you’re too far forward, the club is past neutral and turning over before impact.
    I can’t see anything in your swing that gives an obvious answer, though.

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