Testing out dad’s new driver

Testing out dad’s new driver

by jmak35


  1. Best birth control ad I’ve seen in a while.

  2. I’ve never wanted to see a dad reaction video so badly.

  3. gringo_profesor

    The guy filming this is such a douchebag for cheering the kid on and not stopping him

  4. DoomsdayTheorist1

    Dad probably wanted a new driver but needed some justification to buy one.

  5. HRApprovedUsername

    Poor kid just wants his dad to stop golfing and spend time with him

  6. bowdindine

    I will say I don’t think that looks like any ‘modern’ driver, kinda reminds me of the Ping TiSi from 2001 or so.

    That said, fuck dem kids

  7. JerryReceiver

    I let out a very loud ugghhhhhhh when I saw this.

  8. theBigDog131313

    That’s learned behavior, dads a trunk slammer

  9. speedpetez

    Is it only me, or was the kid on the street?

  10. MLGKSI42069PRO

    Maybe late stage abortion isn’t such a bad idea..


  11. This is why I have a bag that is filled with old clubs.
    Gamers stay in my bag in the trunk.

  12. Relative-Swim263

    Plot twist, this is mommy’s bf’s driver. Atta boy

  13. DrDrunkMD

    That kid is going places, orphanage probably tops the list

  14. WhosYourPapa

    When Dad forgets to buy more chicken nuggets

  15. bitcoinfucius

    Probably looks the same as my 58° after playing local bunkers.

  16. Callsign_Psycopath

    Poor kid, probably hit it 60 yards off to the right.

  17. CouldntBeMoreWhite

    How many times will we continue to repost this?

  18. perhizzle

    Am I the only one who would have calmly asked the kid to stop?

  19. Koolest_Kat

    My buddy had a brood of boys who hit balls OVER THE HOUSE into their pool. He had to net out ball before every round….

  20. Cuchullain99

    Dad probably took him off the Playstation.

  21. thehumbinator

    Gonna have to throw it straight in the bin now. Depending on the damage the driver might be toast too.

  22. i_Cant_get_right

    Probably would have been able to limit the damage if they were actually watching their kid. Whats a kid that age doing playing on or around the street with no supervision anyway?

  23. gmblake9

    🎵Wake up in the morning I got murder on my mindddd😂

  24. Mong_Feesh

    “Alexa, where is the nearest orphanage”

  25. ChrisChrisBangBang

    It’s clear to me as a giant kid that he’s trying to break off the head of the club so he can use the shaft as a sword, I respect it

  26. thescrape

    Thought he was gonna start hitting the car?

  27. icouldntquitedecide


  28. AggieeLion

    It’s great to see the next generation getting excited about golf gear. Hope the new driver works like a charm!

  29. AmbitiousCampaign457

    It feels like a felony to watch that kid destroy that driver. Stop him!

  30. uSaltySniitch

    “Hey buddy, I’ll buy you VBucks on Fortnite if you go outside and destroy my Driver and don’t tell your mom about what I said”.

    BOOM, new driver purchase justified.

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