Golf Tips

Please help me get off the tee!

Any and all advice is greatly appreciated 🙏

by Grouchy-Dentist6734


  1. ChrandyGolf2007

    This one’s easy. Set it a couple inches closer to you.. on the mat! ✅

  2. InitialRevenue3917

    not meant to be an insult but do you have a disability? trying to understand your foot position. if you dont then your feet seem glued to the mat.

  3. BaggerVance_

    Watch your right hip. You jump at the ball. Driver is all about swing arc rather than body movement.

    Duck hook a couple while swinging only arms and try to find a better combination or sequencing in the downswing.

    Driver is much more arms than people realize

  4. whiskey_reddit

    Looks like you’re sitting on your heels… don’t do that

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