Golf Babe

The Creator Classic??

The Creator Classic??


  1. Destined for the big time! The diversity of talent from the production down to the game and of course trick shots no one else dare try is truly remarkable! I'm a fan and let's take it all the way in Gabby

  2. Gabby- I’m concerned your swing has too much stress on your lower back… like Natalie Gulbis. I hope you have a long and injury free career. But someone on your team needs to take a serious look at this. IMO.

  3. I may go tomorrow,,, So it's humid.. Driving Rang,,
    I think my swing is sweet if I could just hit the damn thing…..

  4. Hey GG, just wanted to take a sec and let you know that you're doing a great job !!

    I'm someone who has been blessed enough to play every day from 9yo-19yo.

    Then other priorities claimed my attention, until I was 25.

    Then from 25yo-40yo, I got to play daily again.

    A little advice.

    Be friends with gratitude. Be thankful for the view, the privilege, and most importantly, the connections and relationships.

    The other stuff young lady is just noise.

    The money isn't as important as it seems.

    The opportunity, and responsibility of having an impact on others is more important than the score and the attention.

    Be good to yourself.
    Be good to others.
    And Golf will be good to you !

    Peace young Lady…


  5. You need to compete 1 v 1 with Kai Trump. That would be must see viewing. To rich kid Floridians going at it on the golf course! Love it!

  6. I would like to tell you that I truly enjoy your golfing abilities as well as the content you create on your channel. The reason I am writing now is because as much as I like your channel, I realized just now that you have a cross around your neck, so I assume you are a Christian. And I was very pleased seeing that. I just lost my wife to pancreatic cancer on June 17th. And as hard and as horrible her death was on her last day, knowing Jesus is our Savior gives me peace and the strength to carry on. So thank you for being proud of our LORD JESUS.

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