2 weeks into my range rat career

2 weeks into my range rat career

by PoweredByKraftDinner


  1. Vearna88

    If you want help, film yourself not the ball.

    Good luck and have fun out there.

  2. Lost-Branch804

    Hard to tell with the camera angle. But looks like a good start, welcome to the game of golf!

  3. Eaton_Beaver_2

    Looking good for 2 weeks in. Stay positive and most importantly, enjoy the game!

  4. Dude-Good

    Your name reminded me how Krafts Mac and cheese is better then any homemade Mac and cheese there is.

  5. Equal-Plastic7720

    Looks like u are getting the hang of it.

  6. TheLooza

    Love it. Cant see your swing because you need a tripod but i like the tempo of your swing. You are not nervous or quick which is a big deal.

  7. NotoriousMFT

    2 weeks in and I was accidentally hitting that sign.

    You’re way ahead progress wise, keep grinding

  8. ProFromDover94

    Did you play other sports? I suspect so

  9. bayareadunks

    The devolution from range rat to range degenerate has begun [:< Absolutely solid swing and tempo!

    Unsolicited tip: start practicing with the ball on the ground for all irons; only use tall tee for driver and short tee for 3 wood (if you have it). The sooner you can get over being afraid of hitting the ground the better your irons will get!

  10. SlickLegJohnny

    Keep it up! Already looking a lot smoother.

    Most important question though…

    Are you having fun?

  11. That_Ninja_wek141

    Great to see some Queens out on the course!

  12. myredditthrowaway201

    Hit the ball off the mat not the tee. You’ll never get better if you keep using a tee with irons

  13. ColdSoupConsumer

    Stand closer to the ball and let your arms hang down when hitting irons

  14. retnuh45

    looks great for so early into golf. may be reaching a bit with the hands at address. want them more just hanging straight down

  15. Maestro_de_gatos529

    Looks like it went straight! Just do that everytime and you’re golden lol.

  16. AccomplishedBed1110

    Be honest, how many times have you looked for new clubs already?
    You’re doing great!

  17. Dragon_Star99

    Nice! Welcome to the “club”! (Pun inintended)

  18. Dry-Honeydew2371

    I have nothing to add other than I fucking love Kraft Dinner and I wish I had your username.

  19. Comprehensive_Leek56

    Let’s go! Have fun and play fast on the course!

  20. MrOatButtBottom

    I’m a terrible coach, but you’re leaning over too much.

  21. WindigoMac

    Can’t see swing, but things I wish I’d known way earlier include

    1) keeping trail arm elbow pointed toward body at address and keeping it in front of body throughout swing

    2) having grip be in fingers instead of in the palm. The latter prevents you from cocking the wrists at the top of the swing.

    3) getting lead wrist flat at top of backswing rather than cupped

    4) getting weight moving to lead foot by the top of the backswing rather than during the downswing

    5) getting center of hips over your ankles at address rather than having your butt out far behind your body

    Do these early and avoid having to fix them later

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