Ridiculous group of 10

Had a great round of golf going through 7 holes until my threesome encountered a group of 10 at the next tee box. We politely asked if we could play through, were declined, and then looked on as all 10 golfers took their tee shots.

We called the clubhouse and course marshal — both of which were completely useless — before deciding to skip the hole entirely and jumped to the next tee box. Just as we’re about to tee off, the lead spokesperson for the group of 10 approached us and after a brief exchange claimed they had approval from the course and accused us of being disrespectful and in the wrong. A textbook lesson in gaslighting on the golf course.

Thankfully, all golfers in my group promptly fired 3 bombs straight down the middle of the fairway with the gallery looking on. We kept it civil for the rest of the round but had to endure a few near misses as the party of 10 shot a few balls within 20 yards of us on the fairway and green.

The real shame here is that I very likely would have broken 90 for the first time if not for the blank in my scorecard on hole 8. Are us golfers left with any other options when selfish pricks like these guys act like a public golf course is their own private backyard?

by lusciouslew13


  1. bitcoinfucius

    10some? *A MÉNAGE À DIX!!!??*

    Fuck. That. Shit.
    Good for you not leaving the course all together.

    Edit: Seriously, OP tell us which course.

  2. Euphoric_Rooster1856

    Courses these days have completely abdicated the responsibility for conduct like this on their courses, I really don’t understand it. I don’t think I could ever play at a course again if I informed them of a 10-some active on a course and they did nothing about it.

    In fact, I’d say name the course here and publicly shame them.

  3. Expensive-Opening-50

    Fuck them for not letting you play through and fuck that golf course for allowing it to happen.

  4. Cgolden456

    Name and shame – allowing a group of 10 is wild.

  5. bcmaninmotion

    I would be interested to know if a group of 10 is actually slower or faster than 3 groups.

  6. How do you even play a round of gold AS a 10-some. I’d be like guys…. Let’s split up here.

  7. Novel_Huckleberry435

    Forget the civil you should have told them to fuck off they know damn well a 10 some has no rights on any golf course

  8. Shootermcgavin902

    Okay… I’ve seen this comment many times on this sub and I’m a bit confused. I’m located in Eastern Canada so maybe this is a US thing…

    “We asked to play through and were told no”.

    From my view and the view of every golfer I’ve encountered. If we run into something like this (group larger than 4) or a foursome that is incredibly slow. We don’t really “ask” to play through. We kindly inform them we are playing through. More of a “Hey fella’s. We’re just gonna play through here. If you guys wanna make up your own game or rules, don’t expect everyone else to wait for you” or something along those lines.

    If a group wants to go rogue, it’s them who suffers, not the rest of the course.

  9. Do t even call the club house, call the police

  10. Scrotem_Pole69

    If someone hits up on me like that, I’m walking away with a new ball. Fuck em.

  11. Spicy_Tac0

    Where? So I know not to go.

    Edit: Sorry OP if I annoyed you with wanting more knowledge.

  12. StatusName9174

    We had a 5 playing infront of us last week on our course, we watched them and all 5 of them knocked it 240-280 yards off the tee so we weren’t to bothered as they were clearly decent to good players and keeping up with play.

    They were actually quicker than the 3 ball ahead of them. 

    In this case I don’t mind, but 10 is a joke.

  13. TheSexyBoiii

    “Hey guys, the course seems to be playing pretty slow today, not sure why. In order to maybe speed things up, mind if we just join up with you guys?” Then proceed to play as a group of 13 for maximum chaos

  14. BoomDonk

    Had to endure a few near misses.

    How on earth were they keeping up with your 3some?

  15. Ok_Slice_5722

    Name the course. This is the only way to get them to recognize their shitty ways.

  16. YenZen999

    The Good Good effect has not been good for the game.

  17. Badbvivian

    Half the time theyre playing some crazy game faster than a 4 some anyways. Usually doesnt bother me. Some ppl see more than 4 ppl and instantly get triggered even if theres no one even waiting on them

  18. Buy-The-Dip-1979

    Me and a buddy playing as 2 rolled up on a tee box to find an 8some on the tee… I made made some smart ass comment like I hope this a big money match. It was not big money, like 2 bucks a hole team match play. We ended up joining them and took some of their money and beer.

    Playing games with a bunch of guys like this at twilight is some of the most fun to be had on a golf course… Obviously not something you do mid day holding people up though.

  19. OhHeyNow69

    Honestly. In a fair world. The ranger, starter and person who allowed a 10-some. Life in a north korean labor camp. Anyone who claims to be a golfer and played as a 10-some knowingly, 35 years in federal prison

  20. ExtraDependent883

    So you skipped them an they were still on your heels? How did you skip a whole hole and yet they were on the tee box to watch yall hit? Sounds like their pace wasn’t a problem? Slow asf anyways? I don’t understand. Somethings missing here….

  21. MirageVoyeur

    Didn’t you post this same story like a month ago?

  22. IndianaSucksAzz

    I love golf. I’m just a casual golfer, but I do love it. I would play a lot more were it not for other golfers. For whatever reason, the sport attracts the biggest dickheads imaginable.

  23. bond_chuck_bond

    That’s a “skip ahead a hole or two” group. No way to fight it. Usually it’s two groups gambling and often one or two of the pros are in the mix. I just smile and wave …and drive right by.

  24. JamesK_1991

    I had a guy tell me “pace of play carries no weight with me” after I made a polite comment about keeping things moving.

    The game is officially overgrown.

  25. BravoLimaDelta

    On a golf trip once we had two foursomes and they had started us on 10 for an afternoon tee time. By the time we looped back to 1 we realized no one else was teeing off behind us so we grouped up for the last 9 holes and it was fun as fuck to get the whole group together. But I wouldn’t be caught dead doing that with anyone at all behind us screw those guys.

  26. austinjm34

    You didnt go back to hole 8 later? I get it if the course is busy. But I personally cannot stand to play 17 holes

  27. Honest question!

    A couple weeks ago 6 of us went out. Two threesomes and the front 9 moved well but by the time we reached the 13th hole things were backed up to the point that both our threesomes we’re waiting to tee off and watching the group on the green and the guy waiting to hit his approach.

    In this scenario I feel it would be faster to play as a six rather than two 3somes. We didn’t because we didn’t want anyone to take offense, but I’m wondering if anyone feels it’s warranted to join up some times?

  28. brewberry_cobbler

    If it’s a blank it’s a bogey. Count it.

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