Golf Babe

Long Drive GIRLS Challenge The BOYS To A Golf Match

Check out @gabipowelgolf for the rest of the match!

Here’s everyone’s socials:
Sam Judah: @samjudahiii
Gabi Powel: @gabipowelgolf
Cassandra Meyer:

Location: Kaiserwinkl Golf, Kössen, Austria


  1. The guys are killing me , the banter back n forth is priceless 😂😂 ladies playing a solid round cass better stay cold or they got in the bag

  2. Great golf and I absolutely love the chirping between you all, but Martin's pants tho. Oof. Was there a big rainfall warning for the day? I keed, I keed. Love the channel, and I enjoy these collabs cuz I get to find new channels. Thanks for the entertainment!

  3. if ur gonna play each other at least play from the same tee….. not evne 2 mins in and im done lol, dont need to see some girls trying to talk tough when their tees are 40 yards ahead

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