What’s the play here?

What’s the play here?

by reversetheloop


  1. SCalifornia831

    You swung that club like you were trying to swat a fly off the back of your neck

  2. Your lead hand at the top of the backswing screams slice

  3. _santiago47ag

    Bruh the 150 or 100 yard mark is right there, or just hit the normal shot. Oh never mind that is a tree.

  4. WorthingInSC

    As over the top as that was I’m shocked it didn’t slice past the tree

  5. whateverforever589

    Honestly, I’d try the same shot…

  6. BourbonNoChaser

    That 10% of Not Air wasn’t having any of that. :p

  7. FlyAirLari

    He’s going for the field goal

    …and it’s *NO GOOD*!

  8. islaygaz

    Isn’t it amazing how we can all miss a 60 yard wide fairway most of the time, but a 2ft wide tree is a guarantee!!

  9. madchitown-805

    You’re supposed to aim for the trees.

  10. _ghostfacedilla

    Cancel that vasectomy appointment you had, it won’t be needed

  11. No-Cod-3452

    Ice those nuts and pull out the foot wedge

  12. GarretWJ

    Try this at the range, close the club face so much that it looks like the ball is going to hit you in the left foot if you swing, try to over exaggerate an in to out swing path in a punch shot. Kind of a steeper down swing with the ball set back in your stance. You can produce a “low hooking punch shot”

  13. Jonas_Venture_Sr

    Aim for the tree, only way to be sure I miss it.

  14. tim292969

    Aim at one of the trees. I’ll never hit it

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