Thanks, dad!

Thanks, dad!

by chddssk


  1. thewhiskeyinformant

    That’s basically the old man saying he loves you dearly, gotta take what you can get!

  2. Legitimate-Site588


  3. Cody-Fakename


  4. I gladly would have taken a thumbs up from my Dad. I recently got back into golfing and posted a +2 scorecard from a local track. It was my best round this season by far. He asked if the screenshot was for mini putt… instantly defeated.

  5. EJplaystheBlues

    My dad texted and called me while I was at work and then when I called him after work he was mad because he couldn’t reach me and then he went to bed instead of talking so yeah this seems fair

  6. I hit a hole in one and my dad told me “congrats you son of a bitch, I’ve played 50 years and never got one”

    He later said “it would’ve been better if your brother got one since he’s played way longer than you”

    Gee thanks pops

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