HEAVIEST GOLF BALLS EVER MADE #golf #ball #golfball

These are weighted #odyssey golf balls 😳
5 x heavier than your average golf ball in fact!
Putter by @shopreapergolf
You can see how much harder I had to hit the heavy ball than the normal one!
The idea in them is to help with confidence and to prevent leaving putts short..
You do have to hit them hard but they have a rubber coating so that your putter won’t get damaged from them 😏
I like the idea but I’d be worried that it would have the opposite effect to what it’s planned to.. like imagine using them before going for a round and you blast your first couple of putts way past, your then going to be even more cautious than before 🤔
However having said that I was having a play around with them, swapping out to a normal ball in between and I wasn’t hitting the normal one as far past as I thought and it did actually help me to just get that bit extra and to be just a bit more assertive with it
The main thing I like about them tho is that if you don’t hit them right, so if you thin it slightly or get it out of the toe then you get more feedback than a normal ball and you no straight away that you haven’t hit it right 🫣
6/10 rating for these from me.. and at £15 they’re not going to break the bank


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