Learn To Play “Boring” Golf

To become a scratch golfer its not about making a lot of birdies, it’s about making a lot of pars. In this video I talk about some strategies on how to play “Boring golf,” which means, how to hit more greens and make more pars.

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  1. I saw a statistic somewhere that on the PGA Tour when players are short sided they are likely to get up and down 10% of the time. But when they aren't short sided they will get up and down 90% of the time.

  2. There's so much more to course management that can be added. Little tid bits of information. In general, most greens are tilted back to front. With that in mind, a ball right of the pin should break right to left and vice versa for a ball left of the pin. Knowing your shape goes a long way. This is a subject I don't think anyone really explores enough.

  3. Come on Darin!?!? Boring golf? First hole, You hoist a 4i from the rough over trees with all that trouble surrounding the green. Second hole you hit driver bringing all the trouble into play through the fairway leaving yourself blocked out and hitting a 100yd 5i off dirt under a tree. 5th hole start line should be left side of the green. Come on man!?!?!

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