Played my first 18 holes

I'm sure it can only get better from this.

by stretchyman3012


  1. Props for keeping score your first time out.

  2. Once you hit double par, pick up and move on to keep a good pace of play.

    Congrats on your new addiction!

  3. ASOG_Recruiter

    A 127 on your first 18? Honestly, that’s pretty good in my books. Being perfect in practice but then putting it on the course is another thing.

  4. pickoneforme

    i shot 144 on saturday and it was not my first 18.

  5. spankysladder73

    Nice bounce back from the 28 shots it took to play the first 3.

  6. east21stvannative

    Try golfing an Executive course until you can break 100. Your slow play will irritate golfers who are playing at a reasonable pace.

  7. Tempura_Shelter

    Is “X” a 10 or something worse (I don’t feel like doing the math)

  8. PayMeNoAttention

    I cannot, for the life of me, understand players who go out to record a 110+ round. You should be playing triple max. You should be removing your ball from bad lies, rocks and most traps. I used to play with a buddy who would take 5 shots to get out of the sand. I would tell him to pull it out of the sand for now, and let’s keep going. Instead, he swings 5 times miserably, gets pissed off and in his own head, and then putts it out for a 12. He is miserable. He hates it. But he refuses to make things easier on himself until he gets better. It makes zero sense.

  9. SouthOrlandoFather

    The fact you didn’t have an incomplete is amazing.

  10. Genuinely not bad for a first outing. Is this the UK?

  11. Delicious-Lettuce-11

    Par three course, range time and a couple lessons.

  12. RuralChihuahua

    A bogey on stroke index 1 – your future scores will definitely come down quickly!

  13. JeebusCrunk

    Unlikely you’re all that familiar with the rules, so this is probably what we’d refer to as a “generous” 127, but everyone has to start somewhere and most peoples’ starts look similar to yours.

    There’s obviously a lot of room for it to get better, but you’re in for some crushing defeats if you think it can ***only*** get better, as this game can be(and very often is) the cruelest mistress you’ll ever pursue, but the times when the golf gods favor you are magical.

    Welcome, and try to remember to have fun on this journey, you’ll find that there are no shortage of players who forget to do that.

  14. iAm_MECO

    What happened on hole 15? Or is that supposed to be for 10 strokes?

  15. Adept-Ranger8219

    Good shit. Keep score but don’t worry too much about it.

  16. Memes_Haram

    How many balls did you lose? I went to my first 18 with 15 balls and lost 18.

  17. ObservablyStupid

    Congrats! Got your money’s worth!

  18. scumjack

    Good stuff! I also played my very first 18 this morning and shot 127! Must be something in the air

  19. ToPSzN94


    Next time out, just think of your happy place

  20. Bori5TBu11itDogr

    Course looks decent and for a first ever score 117 not the worst at all! Sets a good bar for you!

  21. ReadyGOGO

    That’s the exact score I got on my first rodeo! Welcome to the game! I hope you enjoyed it and commend you for scoring it!

    I’ve played about 10 rounds in the past few months since then, and I managed to score a 110 last round, my personal record!

  22. Bori5TBu11itDogr

    Was that a pickup on 15? Looks like you’ve scored it as an 8?

    What course is that?

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