The dog attacker has been found…

by KingSlayer-86


  1. SuperHooligan

    I hope ever course that hears about this bans him from ever playing there again. That would be a better punishment than what he’s going to get from the system.

  2. Queasy-Trip1777

    Not usually a fan of doxxing at all….but like….the guy hit a dog in the head with a fucking golf club.

    Be lying if I said I hope the internet doesn’t find him.

  3. breakers

    A year in prison would be great, and spread his name publicly so other courses know about him

  4. Asleep-Geologist-612

    The dog’s owner should get to pick a club and get one shot to hit the guy in the head to see how he likes it

  5. pinshot_productions

    Still waiting to hear the other half of the story. So far only the story of the dog owner has been told who never even witnessed the event.

    If he did in fact trespass and hit the dog unprovoked then yes he should be punished and face severe fines and punishment.

    That may not be the real story. Time will tell. Hold your judgement until you know all the facts.

  6. homiej420


    Us as they haul the dude off to jail/prison.

    What a fucking moron imagine going to jail for potentially a year of your life for such a stupid action. Its SO easy to just not do that

  7. rcheek1710

    Has the dog’s owner knocked this guy out yet? Smashed his leg with a 7 iron?

  8. RIPRhaegar

    Super happy this POS has been caught. Guess I can call off that posse I rounded up

  9. willy-fisterbottom2

    This guy clearly never watched Jon Wick. Don’t enter somebody’s property and fuck with their dog. Absolute trash of a human

  10. GuitarIpod

    was this article written by a 5 year old? jeez

  11. Massive_City573

    I hope not only does he pay but he gets banned from that golf course and hopefully many more after

  12. highcaliberwit


    All over a golf ball

  13. Lerxst-2112

    As a lover of both dogs and golf, I hope this idiot is punished severely. What kind of fucking asshole hits a dog with a golf club?

    Maybe don’t shank your shot next time, fucko!

  14. n0t_4_thr0w4w4y

    > killing or injuring animals, maliciously or willfully, **without the owner’s consent** is prohibited

    Oh, but maliciously injuring an animal is legal **with** owner consent? wtf Ohio

  15. Blue-Alaska

    Do we actually have proof this guy did what is claimed?

  16. ![gif](giphy|l0ErTZ2Ype0PO9QUE)

    Justice will be served

  17. BenchExtension9265

    I mean I don’t get what relief he got by hitting that poor dog… Seeing the dog’s face itself makes me so sad… Sht man!!

  18. SemiReliable3rdParty

    I always want to give people the benefit of the doubt so when I first read the post I thought maybe, just maybe, he was scared of the dog and wanted to defend himself. It’s a reasonable assumption. I’ve met dog owners who think they’re dog is harmless and is actually a nightmare when the owner isn’t around. But, and this is a big but for me, if that were the case the golfer would have said something about the dog attacking him or lunging at him or snarling or SOEMTHING and it sounds like the golfer just didn’t do that. That makes me think he knew he fucked up immediately and wanted to slink away anonymously.
    There were 2 things I learned when I worked at a golf course as a teenager.
    1. The course doesn’t pay for damage caused by golfers. Windshields got busted all the time and the course NEVER payed for a single 1.
    2. Can’t trust people that are mean to animals. Never.

    Good luck to that dog. I hope he gets lots of treats and love.

  19. hnglmkrnglbrry

    Between a rough description of the guy and then knowing the tee times of the day it was probably pretty easy to figure out who did it. A golf course is a terrible place to commit a crime of any sort.

  20. Significant_Tax_

    what an asshole, hope he enjoys jail.

  21. quad2785

    Have him meet us on the 9th green @ 9. Make sure he wears something nice.

  22. commitpushdrink

    What’s the opposite of a gofundme?

    It’d be a real shame if someone stole his identity and donated new sets of clubs to every high school and new dog beds to every shelter in the area.

  23. Dude if my ball went into someone’s yard and it had a fence, fuck that ball I’ll take an OB and a drop.

    If my ball goes in a yard with a fence AND a dog, absolutely fuck that ball it’s gone and it’s my donation to the home owner.

    Why some people insist on retrieving a $1-5 dollar ball risking some dumb shit like this is beyond me. It’s not that serious just take the OB, drop and move on!

  24. Cautious_Buffalo6563

    Too many courses forgetting to be good neighbors.

  25. JeremyJammDDS

    Punishable by death. Have him posted up on the driving range maybe 5 yards away and let everyone swing as hard as they can at him.

  26. BraaaaaainKoch

    Everyone who gets a tee time at that course from now on should find Milo and give him treats and pets as they play through the hole!

  27. supplyncommand

    i’m confused did he think he was being attacked? he has to be claiming self defense? i feel like you know if a dog is viciously coming at you compared to friendly coming at you. idk i think his fight or flight kicked in. i’d like to think this was not an intentional act and he panicked. still sucks big time. my brothers dog was just attacked by a german shepherd and its a quick moment that you have to determine is this dog about to kill my dog or are they playing and he’s being a little aggressive.

  28. I was hitting golf balls at an old abandoned lot. Had my dog, she loved to ‘retrieve’ them, a beautiful golden retriever. Sweetest, smartest dog EVER. She was out there about 200 yards. She made many grabs to put them into her pile. I had to stop a minute and move the car a few feet out of the sun. Suddenly, I see her running to me, terribly wounded, bleeding badly. I could see compound fracture of the jaw. She was in really bad pain, woozy. I put her in my Toronado with leather seats and didn’t give a rip she was bleeding all over the seat. Rushed her to the vet and he had to do reconstruction surgery. Took several weeks of boarding to heal. My explanation was it had to be a guy I saw walking by at the end of the lot and he was carrying a big stick. She probably went up to say hi and he whacked her in the head. I was mortified, it was a bad injury and I felt really bad about it. Some people are mortified of ALL dogs, it is insane that they have no more common sense than they do. Again, friendliest dog ever.

  29. bluemagoo1488

    Not defending this guys behavior at all especially if it’s confirmed but the trespassing charge may be a stretch unless the homeowner had signs posted. Some POA/HOA developments even have it written into their covenants that golfers can enter private property to retrieve an errant golf ball. The course should give golfers a heads up about going on private property at the start. One course down where I play used to tell golfers not to go looking for balls on private property and they had a large bowl of free replacement balls when you got back to the clubhouse. When making a tee time most courses only have the name of the person who called in to make it not necessarily all members of the group unless they pay on arrival with individual credit cards.

  30. fairway_walker

    Mob mentality wants to lynch this guy after only hearing one side of the story from the owner who didn’t even witness the interaction. Ultimately the player was in the wrong for trespassing, but we don’t know if this dog rushed him in an aggressive manner and he thought he was protecting himself, etc.

  31. theblocker

    The course should set out a money jar for the dog in the bar. Next month or so encourage the guys to leave a buck or two. 

  32. silenceofgod

    Straight to federal “pound me in the ass” prison.

  33. DeepSouthDude

    Dude will use the same excuse that dirty cops use: I feared for my life.

    “I went to get my ball after the mishit. I was carrying the club on the off chance that the ball was playable. Once I saw it was OB in their yard, I just walked over to grab my ball. That’s when the dog charged me at full speed. I reacted by swinging the club, and got away from the dog.”

    “Not guilty.”

  34. magneticpyramid

    I get that all dogs have teeth, but milo is hardly a fucking XL bully. You have to be a special kind of pussy to be so scared that you feel the need to whack a small animal like that with a club. I hope the prick feels the full extent of the law.

  35. Guinnessnomnom

    I thought the guy had hit a ball and just shanked it and hit the dog.

    This is even worse..

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