Golf Players

NEW WORLD RECORD!! || Armand Duplantis DESTROYS World Record Height In Paris Olympic Finals!

Absolute legend


  1. I remember in HS we had a vaulted who did 17'6" 40 yrs ago amazing when you think of both of them? I did 6'10" in HS as a high jumper time flies –

  2. As a Swede, I'm really proud of this.
    He is phenomenal and one of the greatest athletes in the world today.
    BUT, compared to most events, he has the fantastic opportunity to raise by 1 cm out more than 625 (currently). Bettering it 1/625 compared to, say 1/210 for womens high jump is a vast
    difference. That event should have increases measured in about 3 mm to compare to the percentage of how much the bar is raised.
    And compared to most other events (besides high jump), he can also choose to raise it by that exact tiny 1 cm. Bolt just broke the world record for the 100 m three times going from 9.72 to 9.58(9.74-9.58 if counting from the Powell record he initially broke). He couldn't choose the 1/100 of a second and certainly not the, say, 5/1000 of a second. It just wen t down in big jumps.

    This does not take away that Duplantis jumps are phenomenal.
    It is just the case of how Pole Vault has the advantage of being performed at 600+ cm:s and the increments being done in 1 cm at a time, which also can be chosen!
    So 9 world records in that short period is also a result of this. As was Bubkas record streak made possible by it!

  3. Дюплантис уникальный спортсмен. Очевидно, что это далеко не предел для него. Это при его , относительно , небольшом росте, он просто уничтожает своих оппонентов

  4. The GOAT, a natural, he makes it look so easy while his competitors are constantly struggling. I'm in my sixties now and man, am I so glad I got to watched him in my lifetime.

  5. “Made a very strong case as the goat of the Pole Vault”

    Bruuuh. This isn’t basketball, it isn’t subjective, he is the best, there can be no argument

  6. Pazzesco
    il bello di questo sport è che tifi per il campione anche se è di un'altra nazione
    Lui è il re del salto con l'asta

  7. He is clearly the GOAT. Lavillenie and Bubka never dreamed of hitting even 6.2.

    There was a jump where they measured him close to 6.80 as he cleared the bar by a ridiculously huge margin.

    It's not about how many times a record gets broken. Asafa Powel broke the 100m record 4 times, you wouldn't put him ahead of Usain Bolt just because Bolt broke it 3 times. I don't care if Bubka broke the record 50 times, no vault he ever made came close to what Mondo has done.

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