So whats the ruling when a hawk tries to fly away with your golf ball?

So whats the ruling when a hawk tries to fly away with your golf ball?

by mollymoose75


  1. GhostofAugustWest

    Outside agency. Replace the ball where it was, no penalty. No different than if another player moved it or picked it up.

  2. lacking_inspiration5

    Depends if it drops it near the green…

  3. AlbinoRyno86

    Since it’s not an eagle, I can only give you a Birdie!
    I’ll see myself out…..

  4. Common sense would say free drop, but we are talking golf rules here.

  5. Sea_Minute9840

    probably 1 foot away from the hole sounds good to me

  6. Brightside_Mr__

    Play the ball as it lies. I had to hit it off of Frankenstein’s fat foot

  7. uptown_dogwalk

    What if my tee shot lands on a bird’s back and he carries it out of bounds but then is attacked by a larger bird who grabs the ball and drops it in the hole? Because that’s how I’m gonna play it.

  8. a_goonie

    New legendary excuse for the the lost balls that magically get found.

  9. New-Understanding930

    Four Hail Marys and you have to punch the ranger in the face.

  10. ViperSocks

    A Red Shrike picked up and then dropped my yellow golf ball a few weeks ago. It was moved closer to the hole. Play as you lie !?!

  11. AbstinencePlus

    You have to fight the hawk and if you lose, you can never return to that course.

  12. Mindless-Ad2554

    As a lover of birds of prey, I would’ve been stoked as hell

  13. Golfandrun

    Our local course had a cat that would steal balls. A blind tee shot where balls mysteriously disappeared. It was a mystery until someone finally spotted the culprit. It was a house cat. A few days later a guy followed the cat and found he was storing them under the steps at home: Lots of them.

  14. Seniorjones2837

    I was forcaddying in a tournament once and a fox stole 2 balls from the fairway in the group I was in 🦊

  15. Boondok0723

    Depends on the outcome. Bird drops it closer to the hole? That’s just nature. Play it where it ended up. Bird puts it in a worse position like behind the rock in the video? Not your fault. Replace the ball where it was (maybe even a little closer).

  16. Bubby_Mang

    He doesn’t know the rules. He’s trying his best you jerk.

  17. street_sweeper_757

    This wouldn’t happen to be in central Indiana would it?

  18. RunGoldenRun717

    Haha I had a crow swoop down and take my ball once. Watched it happen otherwise I would have been dumbfounded as to where my drive in the fairway went

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