Golf Tips

working on, hips first and creating more torque

Posted about my game earlier. Got lots of great observations and things to look for. Decided work on creating more torque with more hip lag and trying not to reach across my body so much.
how's it looking now?

by RrripIt


  1. Shift your weight to your back left heel first, then do exactly what you did here.

  2. MediocreAd9550

    You might want them thangs in 4 wheel or barefoot or whatever for best traction with torque. The 2 fastest movements in golf is the wrist and the pause. After rotating the hips initiating the downswing, and begin to point your chest at the target. Pause. Get that trail elbow tucked in front of you before impact. Press on the lead foot to stand up the lead side. Release the wrist. Rotate through. You want to generate coil, not swoosh. Try the golf tee nail/hammer drill

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