Police response to the Chardon Lakes/ Milo incident


by Moss833


  1. JonathanNMehoff

    I hope they throw the book at that piece of shit.

  2. frankyseven

    Bravo! Hope Milo is getting lots of pets and belly scratches!

  3. SportsDoc7

    I’m sure he’ll make a claim that the dog was lunging at him and it was self-defense. Hell please to a trespassing charge if anything unfortunately.

  4. lasercupcakes


    Congrats you dumbasses who left negative reviews of a golf course over something the course had zero control over.

    Edit: Guys, I would consider a business owner to be a colossal idiot if they provided customer information to some rando who asked for it. I don’t care if that rando is bleeding profusely, if I haven’t seen the incident with my own eyes or don’t have video evidence that I’ve seen, the move is always to tell the rando to call the cops, and to provide any relevant information to the cops **if they ask for it**. And, no, in the meantime I am not paying your medical fees, or vet fees, or whatever because that shit is between you and the person who allegedly harmed you. That’s exactly what the course did, and it doesn’t mean the course condones animal abuse lmao.

    Would you enjoy it if some rando with a black eye could just say, “Can you give me the details of user XYZ? He hit me yesterday and my neighbor witnessed it” and then your info just is handed out? Probably not.

  5. youtubeaddict79

    They need to ban him permanently from any golf course.

  6. unsolved49

    Hope he spends time in jail or a decent fine, and Milo is recovering with all the treats. To summarize everyone’s thoughts, fuck that guy.

  7. elitepeanut91

    I hope this motherfucker 3 putts from 3 feet for the rest of his days.

  8. TheLandFanIn814

    I have a very low tolerance for people who hurt animals. Seriously fuck this guy. He obviously is messed up in the head to think his actions were even remotely okay.

  9. buffalo171

    Good. Take a couple whacks at that asshole with a five iron

  10. Antique_Shower3065


    Remember when you said they didn’t do anything about it and then wanted to argue that you didn’t say that?

  11. thrillington89

    Great news. Happy that you’ll get some justice for Milo ❤️

  12. Ryan_on_Earth

    🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️⚖️ – would have loved to see this fucker’s face when they opened the door to the police.

  13. Don’t take
    Him into custody, just release
    His name and address.

  14. Cautious_Buffalo6563

    When first I saw this, OP was saying the golf course was of no help to her at all I think. Looks like they changed their tune.

    I too hope they tee off on this guy’s ankle bones with a 4-iron.

  15. Smooth_Chipmunk8873

    Literally fuck that guy. Ban him from all courses

  16. WhosYourPapa

    Damn I’m so glad we got a follow up on this. I’ve legit been thinking about it

  17. bigorangebrave

    I’d probably go to jail, if I saw someone do that to any animal.

  18. GrindToPar

    When his identity gets released, if someone ever recognizes him on the course, please launch a stinger right into him (of course when safe to do so). If possible, launch a few right into him.

  19. Ehotwill

    POS. He took out his anger from his errant shot on an innocent animal.
    Hope you three-putt for the rest of your golf career.

  20. LeftContact6889

    Recently came across a dead goose at my home course that appeared to have been hit with a club. I’m not a fan of geese either, but like wtf. These couple posts have brought back that sad memory. Some people just suck.

  21. metallicaset

    Every golf course should have his photo on a wall, a Not Allowed to Play wall.

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