Is my dad cheating with these shots?

I think the way he hits it isn’t allowed but he says it’s legit. Context: his ball is teed up a bit on a fluffy lie in the rough.

I haven’t been playing golf for very long so I’m not sure. There’s not even a sound of the club hitting the ball which seems wrong to me.

by Absurdity_


  1. Rage_Phish9

    Fist fight him in the parking lot to settle it once and for all

  2. 10.1 Making a Stroke
    Purpose of Rule: Rule 10.1 covers how to make a stroke and several acts that are prohibited in doing so. A stroke is made by fairly striking at a ball with the head of a club. The fundamental challenge is for you to direct and control the movement of the entire club by freely swinging the club without anchoring it.

    a. Fairly Striking the Ball
    In making a stroke:

    You must fairly strike at the ball with the head of the club such that there is only momentary contact between the club and the ball and you must not push, scrape or scoop the ball.

    If your club accidentally hits the ball more than once, there has been only one stroke and there is no penalty.

  3. BenoitLaveur

    Yes, but who cares, cherish the time you spend playing with him

  4. Ayahuasca-Dreamin

    You just let pops do what he wants out there

  5. fpants13

    whoever is on the green certainly thinks so! lol

  6. Better_Indication830

    My dad would kick it out into the short grass, top it, then throw his club lol

  7. Bobbyoot47

    I think he has to work on his take away just a little bit. Dad doing dad things.

  8. totally_kyle_

    Yea, but there’s definitely some skill involved being that good at it. I’d let it slide.

  9. YouDaManInDaHole

    Yeah, 2 shot penalty on ol’ Scoopy

  10. shhhpark

    now that you hve an answer…next time he sets up a shot like this, you have to running spear him

  11. Nervous-Egg668

    Lol. Might as well pick it up and place next to the hole.

  12. RelationshipNo9336

    Did you just throw your dad under the bus on the Internet? That’s some ice water flowing through your veins.

  13. Tramp876

    I don’t think he hit the ball, it looks he scoops and throws it on the green. I give him an atta-boy for creativity though.

  14. KindBeats2016

    I once played a round with a father and son. Prior to the round starting, his son looked at me and my buddy and whispered “My dad tees up every shot and I mean every shot. He also hits two balls every time, and I mean every time”. Pops proceeds to tee up his shots from the fairway, and if he didnt like it, just replace it with the trusty extra he kept stored away, and swing away. Two Ball Tom is a Legend. He didnt care what nobody thought, he played the way Tom wanted to play. Respect.

  15. Which_Donkey_9450

    “Depends on what rule book you’re playing by” -my dad

  16. Just enjoy playing with him who cares, but a heads up if you gonna compete

  17. lincolnhawk

    Absolutely. Don’t mind unless he’s gonna sit here and act like he beat me on a hole where he did that.

    He needs to take the club back, duff it twice and blade his third into the woods on the other side of the green, if he wants to play like a real golfer.

  18. Maximum_Overdrive

    If I could play a round with my dad again, I would give him all the mulligans he wants and he could throw the ball for all I care.  But yes, the shot is illegal.

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