Golf Tips

Swing Tips

Any advice would be appreciated! I’m going to invest in a lesson but if there are glaring things I can work on until I can get one that would be great!

by ChefDahV


  1. ToroSalmonNigiri

    Take a look at your swing path. It is very out to in.

    Theres a lot of ways to fix it, but I suggest working on it yourself without instruction atleast once so you get a better understanding of how that happens. Like swing slow and make your club path go straight and see whats different.

  2. JDaddy587

    Man if this works for you, and it goes straight, I would keep it lol

  3. dudeguybroman

    Google a neutral golf grip. Don’t flex your lead arm at all. And don’t miss your lesson.

  4. BroJackson_

    I am in no way a coach and am working on dissecting my own swing, so I watch a LOT of videos and try to learn the common tips. So take this with a grain of salt.

    Here’s what I notice – you’re losing all the arm extension you had in your backswing when you start down. It almost looks like a chop down and you come over the top quite a bit. Freeze the video at :12, and you’ll see what I’m referencing. Your arms stay tucked on your follow through. Mostly just staying extended and trying to come through near your pockets.

    All that said – it looks like a straight drive with good distance, so if you do that consistently and it works then I don’t know how much I’d mess with it. If it’s broken but it works then it ain’t broken.

  5. INXS2021

    Drop your right shoulder back as if you were putting your wallet in your back pocket

  6. JLobodinsky

    Lengthen your backswing a bit and you’ll make great contact with that ball

  7. IllustratorNice6869

    It’s definitely the socks. They look like a 60 year old pair my grandpa would wear around the house, because nobody should see those in public.

  8. seasoned-veteran

    Your shoulders and hips are very open (pointed left of target) at address and impact. This drags your swing into an out-to-in path.

  9. whiskey_reddit

    Watch a few different YouTubers’ beginners series and try a bit of each until one of them sparks that “aha” moment

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