Rules For Rookie Golfers


  1. Agree w/ all for vast majority of weekend warrior hackers. Would add to play "ready golf". none of these furthest away, wait for the guy on other side of fairway delays. Safely get to your ball – not in line w/ another player – and hit.

  2. i just started about a month and a half ago and i think it not being the most fun off rip is apart of the game like yeah going out for the first time and shooting 120 didn’t feel good but now thats im breaking 100 im glad i didn’t compromise just to not be angry its a hard game, let it be hard.

  3. I think we all play these "rules" in some form or fashion. If you're getting frustrated hanging with your friends laughing at each other and crackin jokes, golf may not be for you.

  4. My buddies always drop up with me, we call good putts if you get it close enough after a couple duffs, play max score 7 each hole, if you duff into water just play it up, we just keep two scorecards a full card and what we call the mulligan card

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