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Opening Ceremony highlights from the Olympic Games Paris 2024 | #paris2024

Check out some of the most amazing sights and sounds from the Opening Ceremony at the Olympics in Paris.

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  1. Who thought this opening ceremony was ok? Total evil. Lots going to HELL that put this together.
    Did France know beforehand this was mockery planned? I sure hope not. Paris will pay the price for this either way. Anne Descamps is totally in lala land if she thinks this is about “community tolerance”, is she off her rocker? Don’t tell me she didn’t see the mockery against Jesus and all believers WTF

  2. Anne Descamps spokes person said it was to bring “community tolerance” 🤷‍♀️ what an idiot. They knew exactly what they were doing.
    Have fun in HELL

  3. Anne Descamps spokes person said it was to bring “community tolerance” 🤷‍♀️ what an idiot. They knew exactly what they were doing.
    Have fun in HELL

  4. “What a start”? Yeah, making a mockery of Christians worldwide, so inclusive. Why does cbc find it acceptable to bash Christians but no other religion? You didn’t even mention that.

  5. With months of preparation and they chose to do mockery and blasphemy on Christian faith. Olympics is sports and skill NOT sexuality

  6. NEVER EVER AGAIN THAT IS DISGUSTING BEYOND EVERYTHING AND SHAME ON FRANCE. Absolutely heinous insulting intro l pray we all finally see thru the BS that these DEVIANTS are forcing upon our society under the guise of diversity and inclusion. Truly depravedv to the core!!

    No good video footage after the torch was lit? Nor talk about the controversies, with a title like this? Cowards.

  8. Beyond comprehension! Absolutely vitriolic crap. I was looking forward to watching the games but cannot even listen to a wrap up of the days events. I feel sorry for the athletics. Everyone down the line who knew this was going to be shown should be held accountable for their deliberate deception and irrefutable damage to the true spirit of the games.

  9. Worst opening ceremony i have ever seen, and its hasn't stopped, The USA crying about the Chinese, Now Trans people being allowed to compete,,

  10. Came her to see Gojira, was super annoyed their performance was cut. Came to the comments to see who else cared, and boy am I glad to see how many of you are in the same boat

  11. I agree about leaving out Celine Dion, an international iconic Canadian artist, celebrated around the world, who was able to sing from the Eiffel Tower despite her current health issues. CBC dropped the ball on this one!!

  12. Gaslighters getting ratio'd in these comments. Jesus wins the gold. Satan will never make the podium. Stay strong brothers and sisters.

  13. The desecration of The Last Supper was OUTRAGEOUS. "God shall bring every work into judgment with every secret thing..for they have done outrageous things…I know it and am a witness to it declares the Lord" Jeremiah 29:23

  14. The opening ceremony was not ambitious or unique. It was embarrassing and a disgrace. An embarrassment for the western world.

  15. As Blasphemous as ever. Shame to France. Shame to the French officials for spending tax payers money to blaspheme Christians and their belief

  16. The olympics, a sporting event, making it about everything but sports. I feel for the athletes that have trained so hard, only to have to wade through this garbage.

  17. It's a satanic ritual.. celebrating feast of dionysus, medical (pharmakia) and various other demonic symbolism.. It's a satanic ritual to honour the old gods and their current state of affairs in the world. It's sick.

  18. That opening was atrocius! The worst in history. That’s what happens when you let woke people infiltrate everywhere, including sport organizations. It becomes politican/ideological, and sucks, really sucks. Gojira and queen Celine were the only two great things, aside from the athletes and sport delegations, of course.

  19. I love Paris but I hope they clean up the graffitis at the entrance of the city, with all the immigrants around looking for work, there should be crews to clean up graffitis, kilometers of them around every city, Please?? They should always be kept clean! What was the meaning of the torch bearer with a 'mask'? Why the hell!?? Why?? The purpose of this was what exactly?? It really gave a creepy feeling to a healthy event! Shame on France for that! Then it wonders why it has social problems! At 7:27 It appears to me to be a man in a skirt? Why the skirt? At 10:21 "Highlighting the values of unity and tolerance" ? – yeah yeah, instead of that act though, you should have said brought to you by the values of Jesus Christ loved around the world by all because he highlights the values of unity and tolerance central to the Olympic movement. Anyway, its not complicated : Don't do to others what you wouldn't want them do to you. They could have also done without the mechanical horse void of spirit! And at 11:13 what looks like a ghost riding that horse brought quite a nefarious vibe to the event don't you think? Shame on whoever brought that idea!

  20. 6:56 10 significant women…ok, fair enough but why not mention any men? wtf is this woke sexist bs. Gojira was the absolute best part of the ceremony – not sure why CBC didn't show case it.

  21. The Olympic flag is upside down!!!
    They made so many crucial mistakes, not to mention introducing South Korea as North Korea. It's like calling Zelensky as Putin.
    And also how they butchered the Last Super.
    This is the worst Olympic opening ceremony, ever.

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