Golf Resorts

What’s the Best Course at Bandon Dunes? All 5 Courses RANKED

What’s the Best Course at Bandon Dunes? All 5 Courses RANKED

Bandon Dunes is the very best golf resort in the world. There, I said it. All 5 of their 18 hole golf courses are wonderful. But how do you rank them? Ranking your favorites is one of the most fun debates in the world of golf. So here’s my take on the best golf courses at Bandon Dunes.


00:00. Is this the greatest debate in all of golf?
00:45 There are no bad choices here.
01:02 My fifth favorite course at Bandon.
03:11. Coming in at #4.
05:44. My #3 has changed recently.
08:13. The runner-up for my favorite course at Bandon.
10:02. And the winner is…
12:42. Close

The Ultimate Guide to Bandon Dunes Resort:


  1. I was part of an annual group from all over the US that traveled each year to a premier destination for a span of 20 years. One trip I was unable to participate was at Bandon Dunes. 😢 Our hole-in-one pot had grown to $7,000. Two of our players each had one and split the pot. Maybe I’ll make there someday.

  2. My list (which changes every single time I visit the resort):

    5. Sheep Ranch
    4. Pac Dunes
    3. Trails
    2. Old Mac
    1. Bandon Dunes

    Great video, and great list! Interesting to see the resurgence of Trails – once it's matured and people get to play it a few more times, it definitely shows how amazing of a track it is.

  3. I just bought a precision pro r1 for $199, Amazon is running a $30 off deal on top of the $229 price tag. Is that the best range finder under $200?

  4. Definitely the best golf trip I’ve ever been on!

    My ranking are:
    1. Bandon trails
    2. Bandon dunes
    3. PAC dunes
    4. Sheep ranch
    5. Old Mac

  5. Thanks Sean. I haven’t been there since Sheep ranch opened, but I’ve outside of the my rank has consistently been: 1) Pacific (visually intimidating, but actually relatively fair) 2). Old Mac (some very unique holes) 3. Dunes (just a great golf course, very good if you take away the ocean) 4) Trails (always said if you out this in a mountain (Sierras ETC) setting it would be awesome, but when I go to Bandon I’m looking forward to Ocean/Links golf)

  6. I agree with your take on Bandon. Went there in January and it was amazing. Had some windy and rainy days, but overall, the experience was top notch. Favorite logo is the Bandon Preserve logo.

  7. I like Bandon Dunes a lot, there are plenty of fun holes and it beats me up less than the other courses. I get what you're saying about why you like the routing. But to me the big issue with the routing is caused by the fact that it is the only course to return to the clubhouse after 9 holes. I don't know if that was what Kidd wanted, or if it was an ask from someone else. You say you don't care for 7, 8, and 9. I actually don't care for 8, 9, and 10. To me that is possibly the weakest three-hole stretch on the property. And I do think a big reason is that routing the course back to the clubhouse limited the possibilities for those holes.

  8. Going for the first time this fall. Playing Trails once, few others a couple times. Might need to see if can swap trails in for a couple rounds

  9. Trails is the normie favorite. Off the first tee you basically leave bandon dunes, and then you come back to the dunes on 18 green. Its a great course, but its like drinking a jack and coke. If you want the straight whisky on the rocks of golf, its the original course or pacific.

  10. I enjoy your content but (being a pedantic twat), I want to make a couple of observations:

    – These aren’t some of the most discussed courses in golf. They may be in the US but there’s a world of equally beautiful, of not superior courses out there being talked about every day. It’s like calling the Kansas City Chiefs “World Champions” – And, any course that’s was an assault on my senses would be one I’d run from. I once saw a comedian described as “Relentlessly funny” – Great courses should be a feast for the senses?

    Anywho – keep up the content (with a small considerations for your non-septic audience) – with love…

  11. I've been once, going again in two months and I'm sure this list will change slightly:

    1. Bandon Dunes
    2. Sheep Ranch
    3. Pacific Dunes
    4. Bandon Trails
    5. Old MacDonald

    I think having been just once it's too easy to have your favorite course/least favorite course coincide with how well you played. My best round was at Pac Dunes so I was tempted to put that higher. My round at Trails was the one round my driver decided it was time for a 2 way miss all day and the greens were not in good shape but I think when I play it again it will get a higher spot. My round at Old Mac was a playing lesson so I did not shoot a score so am excited to actually play to a score on that course this trip. I'm also thrilled the new par 3 will be open when I go in May.

  12. Played it before they opened sheep but mine are


    I just felt like pacific didn’t have the cohesiveness that the others have.

  13. Would you say that Bandon Trails has a little bit less wind as it’s in the trees as opposed to the other courses at BD?

  14. I love Old MacDonald and Sheep Ranch. These being the two I've played and being a beginner, these two courses have a lot to offer any player.

    Hole 1 on SR and Hole 7 on OM are my current favorite holes.

  15. My favorite course at Bandon is whatever one I’m playing that day. As I am getting older I think Sheep Ranch gives older people an opportunity to play at Bandon Dunes they might not be able to get at the other course. Is it the best course there, no, it is an easy walk with spectacular views.

  16. I played Bandon in the first year that it existed. In my experience Bandon is the best group of golf courses on the planet .To rank a course that unless you’re under 25 is un walkable is foolish . You need a cart to get to the 14th tee box . Then that hole alone should drop that course down . They eventually had to change the green to make it in any way playable . In the first years the caddies explained that it cost twice the amount of money to make the original Bandon course because tried to sculpt the topography with earth movers . Eventually nature took most of the sculpting back to its original shape. Pacific took half the cost ….
    Pacific might be the best course in the world
    Breathtaking Beautiful, both playable yet difficult
    My assessment of the ranking after over 200 rounds played would be
    Pacific , without question
    Sheep ranch
    Old Mac
    I’ve stood on an Old Mac green on a windy day and said to myself , if I can only 3 putt this green I’ll be doing well
    Still …
    I’ll always count myself lucky as having lived in a time that I got to walk the wonderful piece of earth called Bandon
    Thanks to memorable caddies Evan, Crazy & John the bap
    I’ve told your stories , created memories and called you friends
    And you won’t know my name ……. Special

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